koide3 / hdl_localization

Real-time 3D localization using a (velodyne) 3D LIDAR
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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localization fail at the same spot #21

Closed tkkim-robot closed 4 years ago

tkkim-robot commented 4 years ago

Hello. Thanks for the great works!

I am now running hdl_localization using my own data. I made my own PCD using hdl_graph_slam, and have a right format rosbag file.

It has no problem while running on a small pcd map. I found a problem on a bigger map, it fails to localization always on the same spot. See the video in the link (fails around 3:00) : https://youtu.be/pI-KB9ZZ8tA

Changed parameters are here: invert_imu -> true cool_time_duration -> 0.1

When 'invert_imu' is false, it fails to localization a way before that spot when it is true. So I am using 'invert_imu' as true.

Additionally, I have a warning message. I don't know is it related to my problem, but I am posting it : "[pcl::VoxelGrid::applyFilter] Leaf size is too small for the input dataset. Integer indices would overflow."

Now, I have a question. Do you remember the 'road-flipped' issue of mine? I thought it is related to the IMU data again, so I checked the source code until 'pose_estimator.hpp' but I couldn't find any error. (I didn't check inside of 'ukf')

Can you tell me how to solve this problem??

tkkim-robot commented 4 years ago

I think it is related to the sparse pointcloud map. So it is even get more score to match the road-plane, than to match the others.

Will it be solved when use a dense pcd map ? If it is, Is there any way to make a more dense pcd map in hdl_graph_slam? What parameters should I change?


koide3 commented 4 years ago

Hi @ktk1501 , Yes, I think the sparsity of the map may affect the localization. To generate a dense map, you can make "min_edge_interval" and "map_cloud_resolution" smaller (increase the density of keyframes and generate the map with smaller downsample resolution).

https://github.com/koide3/hdl_graph_slam/blob/f7a0472bbb0c48be941fbbe5d3d16c8b01b3e3fe/launch/hdl_graph_slam.launch#L87 https://github.com/koide3/hdl_graph_slam/blob/f7a0472bbb0c48be941fbbe5d3d16c8b01b3e3fe/launch/hdl_graph_slam.launch#L126

tkkim-robot commented 4 years ago

Hi @koide3 . Thanks for your kind reply.

I had created the dense map after adjusting some parameters. Then, I ran hdl_localization to localize. But I met another problem.

I am using two rosbag file, I just call it first.bag and second.bag. Localization was works really well on fisrt.bag. The problem I met above was on second.bag. But now, after using dense map, I found localization failure on the first.bag.

The localization failure is not look like the one before. It travels to another place, but yes it happens on the same spot.

You can see the video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz5kcGG6y3U

What do think the problem is, and it there any known solution??


tkkim-robot commented 4 years ago

I solved this problem by setting "invert_imu" to false. It was my mistake.

Thanks for you reply.
