koide3 / hdl_localization

Real-time 3D localization using a (velodyne) 3D LIDAR
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
775 stars 310 forks source link

Topic names are hardcoded #98

Closed RaviBeagle closed 1 year ago

RaviBeagle commented 1 year ago

Hello developers,

The topic names here are hard coded:

    if (use_imu) {
      NODELET_INFO("enable imu-based prediction");
      imu_sub = mt_nh.subscribe("/gpsimu_driver/imu_data", 256, &HdlLocalizationNodelet::imu_callback, this);
    points_sub = mt_nh.subscribe("/velodyne_points", 5, &HdlLocalizationNodelet::points_callback, this);

So inspite of the launch file:

  <arg name="points_topic" default="/velodyne_points" />

      <remap from="/carla/ego_vehicle/lidar" to="$(arg points_topic)"/>
      <remap from="/gpsimu_driver/imu_data" to="$(arg imu_topic)" />

Has no effect

RaviBeagle commented 1 year ago

I dont see any effect of using the remap tag in the launch file. Dont know if this is a ROS bug or not ?

koide3 commented 1 year ago

The remapping is wrong. You should do <remap from="/velodyne_points" to="/your/lidar/topic"/>

RaviBeagle commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot. With this change and a few others I am able to run hdl_graph_slam and hdl_localization with CARLA simulation generated data.