koishijs / koishi

Cross-platform chatbot framework made with love
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Feature: Telegram API Error BOT_COMMAND_INVALID 时 显示造成错误的指令 #1433

Closed Ikaleio closed 3 months ago

Ikaleio commented 3 months ago

Describe the problem related to the feature request

如果你的机器人有许多插件,那么接入 Telegram 时很可能会报如下错误:

2024-07-31 11:04:26 [W] app Error: Telegram API error 400. Bad Request: BOT_COMMAND_INVALID
                            at _Internal.<computed> [as setMyCommands] (/koishi/node_modules/@satorijs/adapter-telegram/lib/index.cjs:78:17)
                            at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
                            at async Proxy.updateCommands (/koishi/node_modules/@satorijs/adapter-telegram/lib/index.cjs:1022:5)

这会导致斜杠指令无法使用且不与 Koishi 侧同步,若关闭斜杠指令则机器人不再响应 @ 它的消息。

Describe the solution you'd like

希望能在报错时显示哪个指令引发错误(如果 Telegram API 回传了此信息的话)


Describe alternatives you've considered

No response

Additional context

No response

shigma commented 3 months ago


理论上我们应该在注册 telegram 斜线指令的时候就过滤掉不合法的部分。但是似乎 telegram 并没有给出具体的信息?(discord 的话返回值会包含具体哪个指令因为什么原因炸了。)

如果有人定位了出现问题的指令,可以回复此 issue,我们会添加注册前检查的逻辑。

Ikaleio commented 3 months ago

Telegram API doc 说只有 32 字符以内的纯英文字母、数字、下划线受支持,除此之外没有其他相关内容

是否可能将带 . 的复合指令或中文指令或其他类似的东西传进去了?

感觉可以先加个 debug 在控制台显示到底往 Telegram API 传了什么指令。

shigma commented 3 months ago


  1. 打开 koishi.yml,并加入以下内容:
+ logger:
+   levels:
+     telegram: 3

注意:不是写在 plugins 下面,而是与 plugins 同级放一个 logger。

  1. 重新运行 koishi,此时你将看到 telegram 适配器发出的所有请求。
Ikaleio commented 3 months ago
2024-08-08 13:19:52 [D] telegram [response] { ok: true, result: true, description: 'Webhook was set' }
2024-08-08 13:19:52 [D] telegram listening updates telegram: 7331283530
2024-08-08 13:19:52 [D] telegram connected to telegram:7331283530
2024-08-08 13:19:52 [D] telegram [request] setMyCommands { commands: [ { command: 'command', description: '指令管理' }, { command: 'help', description: '显示帮助信息' }, { command: 'inspect', description: '查看用户、频道或消息的详细信息' }, { command: 'echo', description: '发送消息' }, { command: 'shutdown', description: '关闭或重启 Koishi' }, { command: 'jieba', description: '通过 jieba 分词' }, { command: 'clear', description: '清空聊天记录' }, { command: 'status', description: '查看运行状态' }, { command: 'wordclear', description: '清除本群的记录词数' }, { command: 'feedback', description: '发送反馈信息给作者' }, { command: 'novelai', description: 'AI 画图' }, { command: 'user', description: '用户管理' }, { command: 'channel', description: '频道管理' }, { command: 'authorize', description: '权限管理' }, { command: 'assign', description: '受理者账号' }, { command: 'bind', description: '绑定到账号' }, { command: 'usage', description: '调用次数信息' }, { command: 'timer', description: '定时器信息' }, { command: 'sudo', description: '在特定上下文中触发指令' }, { command: 'broadcast', description: '全服广播' }, { command: 'plugin', description: '插件管理' }, { command: 'cloud', description: '查询本群词云' } ], language_code: 'zh' }
2024-08-08 13:19:53 [D] telegram [response] { ok: true, result: true }
2024-08-08 13:19:53 [D] telegram [request] setMyCommands { commands: [ { command: 'help', description: 'Show help' }, { command: 'shutdown', description: 'Power off or reboot Koishi' }, { command: 'novelai', description: 'Generate Images from Novel AI' }, { command: 'bind', description: 'Bind to account' } ], language_code: 'en' }
2024-08-08 13:19:53 [D] telegram [response] { ok: true, result: true }
2024-08-08 13:19:53 [D] telegram [request] setMyCommands { commands: [ { command: 'novelai', description: 'Générer des images sur IA' } ], language_code: 'fr' }
2024-08-08 13:19:53 [D] telegram [response] { ok: true, result: true }
2024-08-08 13:19:53 [D] telegram [request] setMyCommands { commands: [ { command: 'novelai', description: 'AI で絵を描く' } ], language_code: 'ja' }
2024-08-08 13:19:54 [D] telegram [response] { ok: true, result: true }
2024-08-08 13:19:54 [D] telegram [request] setMyCommands { commands: [ { command: 'command', description: 'command' }, { command: 'help', description: 'help' }, { command: 'inspect', description: 'inspect' }, { command: 'echo', description: 'echo' }, { command: 'shutdown', description: 'shutdown' }, { command: 'jieba', description: 'jieba' }, { command: 'clear', description: 'clear' }, { command: 'status', description: 'status' }, { command: '隐藏图生成', description: '发送两张图片来进行隐藏图生成' }, { command: 'alpha-simple', description: 'alpha-simple' }, { command: 'wordclear', description: 'wordclear' }, { command: 'feedback', description: 'feedback' }, { command: 'chess', description: '棋类游戏' }, { command: 'novelai', description: 'novelai' }, { command: 'user', description: 'user' }, { command: 'channel', description: 'channel' }, { command: 'authorize', description: 'authorize' }, { command: 'assign', description: 'assign' }, { command: 'bind', description: 'bind' }, { command: 'usage', description: 'usage' }, { command: 'timer', description: 'timer' }, { command: '设置消息间隔', description: '设置本群聊消息的发送间隔' }, { command: 'sudo', description: 'sudo' }, { command: 'broadcast', description: 'broadcast' }, { command: 'mc', description: 'mc' }, { command: 'contest', description: '现在提供的比赛平台有:\ncodeforces(cf)\n洛谷(lg)\n' }, { command: 'list', description: '提供指定比赛日程' }, { command: 'messagecounter', description: '查看messageCounter帮助' }, { command: 'chatluna', description: 'chatluna' }, { command: 'plugin', description: 'plugin' }, { command: '喜报', description: '生成一张喜报' }, { command: '悲报', description: '生成一张悲报' }, { command: 'wordlegame', description: '猜单词游戏帮助' }, { command: 'cloud', description: 'cloud' }, { command: 'audio-reverse', description: '对语音进行倒放' } ] }
2024-08-08 13:19:54 [W] app Error: Telegram API error 400. Bad Request: BOT_COMMAND_INVALID
                            at _Internal.<computed> [as setMyCommands] (/koishi/node_modules/@satorijs/adapter-telegram/lib/index.cjs:78:17)
                            at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
                            at async Proxy.updateCommands (/koishi/node_modules/@satorijs/adapter-telegram/lib/index.cjs:1022:5)


Ikaleio commented 3 months ago

我注意到问题似乎是由于部分命令(例如:alpha-simple 喜报 悲报)并不满足 Telegram 命令规范(32 字符以内的字母数字下划线)导致的,但问题是我确认已经将这些命令都设置了满足条件的别名,例如:


但传给 Telegram API 时仍然传了原始命令。

Ikaleio commented 3 months ago


Ikaleio commented 3 months ago

在测试过程中我还发现,当协议设置为「server」时,关闭插件疑似可能导致 webhook 不重置,造成机器人收不到消息,具体表现为发消息(即使是 /help)也无回复,日志无反应。不过这似乎应该另开一个 Issue。

DGCK81LNN commented 3 months ago

Discord 中指令参数跟选项重名会报错,指令名含有中文似乎也不行。