koka-lang / koka

Koka language compiler and interpreter
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Install bundle uses random madoko std library? #281

Closed anfelor closed 5 months ago

anfelor commented 2 years ago

When installing the current dev branch using the util/install.sh script as detailed in the README, Koka seems to use the std/ modules from a separate madoko installation. As the madoko sources only work with older versions of Koka, this even breaks the interactive shell.

anton@Antons-MacBook-Air koka % stack exec koka
 _         _ 
| |       | |
| | _ ___ | | _ __ _
| |/ / _ \| |/ / _' |  welcome to the koka interactive compiler
|   ( (_) |   ( (_| |  version 2.4.1, Jun 10 2022, libc arm64 (clang)
|_|\_\___/|_|\_\__,_|  type :? for help, and :q to quit

loading: std/core
loading: std/core/types
loading: std/core/hnd

> :q

The cause is hidden. The effect is visible to all.
 -- Ovid (43 BC - 17 AD)

anton@Antons-MacBook-Air koka % koka
 _         _ 
| |       | |
| | _ ___ | | _ __ _
| |/ / _ \| |/ / _' |  welcome to the koka interactive compiler
|   ( (_) |   ( (_| |  version 2.4.1, Jun 10 2022, libc arm64 (clang)
|_|\_\___/|_|\_\__,_|  type :? for help, and :q to quit

loading: madoko/std/core
/Users/anton/node_modules/madoko/lib/std_core.kki(8, 1): error: invalid syntax
 unexpected /Users/anton/node_modules/madoko/lib/std_core.kki(8,1-8,6): "infixl"
 expecting ";", "local", "pub", "recursive", "type", "alias", "inline", "noinline", "fun", "val", "extern" or end of input

unable to load the std/core module; standard functions are not available
evaluation is disabled

> :q

The cause is hidden. The effect is visible to all.
 -- Ovid (43 BC - 17 AD)
TimWhiting commented 6 months ago

Does this still reproduce? I haven't ever seen this.

anfelor commented 5 months ago

Koka 2.6.0 works well for me. I'll close it for now.