koka-lang / koka

Koka language compiler and interpreter
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Open Effect Error #374

Closed TimWhiting closed 7 months ago

TimWhiting commented 7 months ago

Here is a program that results in the open effect error that we talked about.

I've tried stepping through with gdb / lldb, and it seems as if the wrong handler operation is being called (one with fewer arguments). Not sure if it is actually a problem with open, or a problem with the ordering of operations within a handler, or something else entirely. All I know is that the call stack ends with a segfault, because the address of the _ctx parameter changes (and therefore the allocator is using bad addresses). Putting the _ctx parameter last is quite ingenious in retrospect, since it causes calls to closures with the wrong number of arguments to always fail with a segfault almost immediately.

Issue #357 is related (open calls), but is due to open calls not even being inserted / inferred when adding in a default case that throws exceptions. (Also, I believe that there should be a warning emitted from the compiler for inexhaustive cases to help prevent that).

This is most directly related to #282. (And definitely due to the tail recursive nature which that issue highlights - changing all the operations to ctl clauses fixes this program as well).

I'll try to simplify the program to a more minimum reproducible example, but here is the current example.

Code Example Dropdown

```koka import std/os/readline fun member(x: a, xs: list, compare: (a, a) -> bool) : bool match xs Nil -> False Cons(y, ys) -> x.compare(y) || member(x, ys,compare) fun member(xs: list, x: a, compare: (a, a) -> bool) : bool x.member(xs, compare) value struct coord x: int y: int fun show(c: coord) : string { "(" ++ c.x.show() ++ ", " ++ c.y.show() ++ ")" } fun (==)(c1: coord, c2: coord) : bool c1.x == c2.x && c1.y == c2.y effect ctl eject(): a fun parse(str : string, moves : list) : coord match str.list() Cons('0', Cons(' ', Cons('0', Nil))) -> Coord(0,0) Cons('0', Cons(' ', Cons('1', Nil))) -> Coord(0,1) Cons('0', Cons(' ', Cons('2', Nil))) -> Coord(0,2) Cons('1', Cons(' ', Cons('0', Nil))) -> Coord(1,0) Cons('1', Cons(' ', Cons('1', Nil))) -> Coord(1,1) Cons('1', Cons(' ', Cons('2', Nil))) -> Coord(1,2) Cons('2', Cons(' ', Cons('0', Nil))) -> Coord(2,0) Cons('2', Cons(' ', Cons('1', Nil))) -> Coord(2,1) Cons('2', Cons(' ', Cons('2', Nil))) -> Coord(2,2) Cons('0', Cons(',', Cons('0', Nil))) -> Coord(0,0) Cons('0', Cons(',', Cons('1', Nil))) -> Coord(0,1) Cons('0', Cons(',', Cons('2', Nil))) -> Coord(0,2) Cons('1', Cons(',', Cons('0', Nil))) -> Coord(1,0) Cons('1', Cons(',', Cons('1', Nil))) -> Coord(1,1) Cons('1', Cons(',', Cons('2', Nil))) -> Coord(1,2) Cons('2', Cons(',', Cons('0', Nil))) -> Coord(2,0) Cons('2', Cons(',', Cons('1', Nil))) -> Coord(2,1) Cons('2', Cons(',', Cons('2', Nil))) -> Coord(2,2) Cons('q', Nil) -> eject() _ -> println("Invalid move, please try again") gen_move(moves) fun gen_move(moves : list) : coord val move : coord = parse(readline(), moves) if moves.any() fn (c : coord) { c == move } then { println("Invalid move, please try again") gen_move(moves) } else { move } fun create-board() : list> { [['.','.','.'],['.','.','.'],['.','.','.']] } fun show(grid: list>) : string var line := 0 grid.foldl(" 0 1 2\n") fn(acc, row: list) val out = row.foldl(acc ++ line.show() ++ " ") fn(acc, col: char) acc ++ col.string() ++ " " ++ "\n" line := line + 1 out fun get_board_position(board : list>, coord : coord) : maybe { match board[coord.y] { Nothing -> Nothing Just(row) -> row[coord.x] } } fun mark_board(board: list>,coord: coord, mark: char): maybe>> val new_row: maybe> = match board[coord.y] Nothing -> Nothing Just(row) -> Just(row.take(coord.x) ++ mark.Cons(row.drop(coord.x + 1))) match new_row Nothing -> Nothing Just(row) -> Just(board.take(coord.y) ++ row.Cons(board.drop(coord.y + 1))) effect ctl not_full() : () fun check_full(board: list>) : bool fun helper() var full := True board.foreach() fn(row) if '.'.member(row) fn (a, b) a == b then { not_full() } full with ctl not_full() False helper() fun check_win(board: list>, mark: char) : bool var win := False var i := 0 while {i < 3} { if board.get_board_position(Coord(i,0)).unwrap() == mark && board.get_board_position(Coord(i,1)).unwrap() == mark && board.get_board_position(Coord(i,2)).unwrap() == mark then { win := True } if board.get_board_position(Coord(0,i)).unwrap() == mark && board.get_board_position(Coord(1,i)).unwrap() == mark && board.get_board_position(Coord(2,i)).unwrap() == mark then { win := True } i := i + 1 } if board.get_board_position(Coord(0,0)).unwrap() == mark && board.get_board_position(Coord(1,1)).unwrap() == mark && board.get_board_position(Coord(2,2)).unwrap() == mark then { win := True } if board.get_board_position(Coord(0,2)).unwrap() == mark && board.get_board_position(Coord(1,1)).unwrap() == mark && board.get_board_position(Coord(2,0)).unwrap() == mark then { win := True } win fun human_logic(board: list>, moves: list, mark: char, other_mark: char) : coord gen_move(moves) fun ai_logic(board: list>, moves: list, mark: char, other_mark: char) board.gen_ai_move(moves,mark, other_mark) value struct move move : coord score: int fun (==)(m1 : move, m2 : move) : bool { m1.move == m2.move && m1.score == m2.score } fun eval_board(board : list>, mark: char, other-mark : char) { if board.check_win(mark) then { 10 } elif board.check_win(other-mark) then { -10 } else { 0 } } fun maximum-move(a : move, b : move) : move { if a.score > b.score then { a } else { b } } fun gen_ai_move(board : list>, moves : list, mark : char, other-mark : char) { val best_move : move = Move(Coord(-1,-1), -1000) [0,1,2].foldl(best_move) fn (bstMove : move, i : int) { [0,1,2].foldl(bstMove) fn (bstMve : move, j : int) { if Coord(i,j).member(moves) fn (a,b) {a == b} then { bstMve } else { val new_board : list> = board.mark_board(Coord(i,j), mark).unwrap() val new-max = maximum-move(bstMve, Move(Coord(i,j), new_board.minimax(moves ++ [Coord(i,j)], 0, False, mark, other-mark))) new-max } } }.move } fun unwrap(x: maybe): a match x Just(a) -> a Nothing -> throw("value was Nothing") // A basic implementation of Minimax // This uses brace style to show that it is possible fun minimax(board : list>, moves: list, depth : int, isMaximizingPlayer : bool, mark : char, other-mark : char) : int { val score : int = board.eval_board(mark, other-mark) if score == 10 then { score } elif score == -10 then { score } elif board.check_full() then { 0 } else { if isMaximizingPlayer then { val bestVal: int = -1000 [0,1,2].foldl(bestVal) fn (bstVal : int, i : int) { [0,1,2].foldl(bstVal) fn (bstVl : int, j : int) { if Coord(i,j).member(moves) fn(a, b) {a == b} then { bstVl } else { val new_board : list> = board.mark_board(Coord(i,j), mark).unwrap() val value : int = new_board.minimax(moves ++ [Coord(i,j)], depth + 1, !isMaximizingPlayer, mark, other-mark) max(bstVl, value) } } } } else { val bestVal: int = 1000 [0,1,2].foldl(bestVal) fn (bstVal : int, i : int) { [0,1,2].foldl(bstVal) fn (bstVl : int, j : int) { if Coord(i,j).member(moves) fn(a,b) {a == b} then { bstVl } else { val new_board : list> = board.mark_board(Coord(i,j), other-mark).unwrap() val value : int = new_board.minimax(moves ++ [Coord(i,j)], depth + 1, !isMaximizingPlayer, mark, other-mark) min(bstVl, value) } } } } } } // The main business logic of the entire game // This function checks if there is a draw or a win fun play_game() val board = get_board() if board.check_full() then println("Draw!") println("Final board:") board.show().println else "Next Turn:".println board.show().println val current_mark = get_current_mark() val other_mark = get_other_mark() play_turn(current_mark, other_mark) val new_board = get_board() if new_board.check_win(current_mark) then println("Player " ++ current_mark.show() ++ " wins!") println("Final board:") new_board.show().println else flip() play_game() effect human_turn fun play_human_turn(board: list>, moves: list, mark: char, othermark: char) : coord effect ai_turn fun play_ai_turn(board: list>, moves: list, mark: char, othermark: char) : coord effect player1 fun player1_turn(board: list>, moves: list, mark: char, othermark: char) : coord fun get_player1_mark() : char effect player2 fun player2_turn(board: list>, moves: list, mark: char, othermark: char) : coord fun get_player2_mark() : char effect turn // Changes the current player to a different one fun flip() : () // Calls the appropriate code for the current player fun play_turn(mark: char, other_mark: char) : () // Gets the symbol of the active player fun get_current_mark(): char // Gets the symbol of the inactive player fun get_other_mark(): char // This allows us to access the board fun get_board() : list> // This allows us to access the moves that have been made fun get_moves(): list type player Human AI type players One Two // This function encapsulates the state of the entire game // Think of it as calling a method on an object but with pure functions fun initialize_and_start_game(game_type: int) var current_player := One var current_board := create-board() var all_moves := [] var player1 := Human var player2 := AI match game_type 1 -> { player1 := Human player2 := Human } 2 -> { player1 := Human player2 := AI } 3 -> { player1 := AI player2 := AI } _ -> throw("invalid game type") with handler ctl eject() println("Have a nice day.") with fun play_human_turn(board: list>, moves: list, mark: char, othermark: char) human_logic(board, moves, mark, othermark) with fun play_ai_turn(board: list>, moves: list, mark: char, othermark: char) ai_logic(board, moves, mark, othermark) with handler fun player1_turn(board: list>, moves: list, mark: char, othermark: char) match player1 Human -> play_human_turn(board, moves, mark, othermark) AI -> play_ai_turn(board, moves, mark, othermark) fun get_player1_mark() 'X' with handler fun player2_turn(board: list>, moves: list, mark: char, othermark: char) match player2 Human -> play_human_turn(board, moves, mark, othermark) AI -> play_ai_turn(board, moves, mark, othermark) fun get_player2_mark() 'O' with handler return(x) () fun flip() match current_player One -> current_player := Two Two -> current_player := One fun play_turn(mark: char, other_mark: char) match current_player One -> { val coord = player1_turn(current_board, all_moves, mark, other_mark) current_board := mark_board(current_board,coord,get_player1_mark()).unwrap all_moves := Cons(coord, all_moves) () } Two -> { val coord = player2_turn(current_board, all_moves, mark, other_mark) current_board := mark_board(current_board,coord,get_player2_mark()).unwrap all_moves := Cons(coord, all_moves) () } fun get_current_mark() match current_player One -> get_player1_mark() Two -> get_player2_mark() fun get_other_mark() match current_player Two -> get_player1_mark() One -> get_player2_mark() fun get_board() current_board fun get_moves() all_moves play_game() fun prompt_game_type() match readline().list() Cons('1', Nil) -> 1 Cons('2', Nil) -> 2 Cons('3', Nil) -> 3 _ -> println("Invalid game mode, please try again") prompt_game_type() fun main () println("Welcome to Tic Tac Toe!") println("Please select a game mode:") println("1. Two player") println("2. One player") println("3. Zero player") println("Enter the number of the game mode you want to play") val game_type = 1 // prompt_game_type() "Enter your input as 'x y' or 'x,y' when selecting a spot".println initialize_and_start_game(game_type) ```