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Adjust list delimter #14

Open kai-truempler opened 7 years ago

kai-truempler commented 7 years ago


while I don't have a programming background, I am very impressed with Madoko and would like to try it for legal writing. However, despite my best efforts of studying sections 4.4 and 5.5 of the manual, I have not been able to figure out how to adjust the delimiter of lists. I am looking for something like this:

a) sub-paragraph a i) lit i ii) lit ii iii) lit iii b) sub-paragraph b

see for example Art. 56 SRÜ.

Would it be possible to include an example how to do this in the reference manual? I realize the information is there for headers, equations and so on, but I could not get this to work for lists. Thanks.

bwklein commented 7 years ago

Try this...

a. sub-paragraph a
  i. lit i  
  i. lit ii  
  i. lit iii  
a. sub-paragraph b

Using an 'a.' sets the list type to lower-alpha, 'i.' sets the type to lower-roman.

You can see an example here: http://bryanklein.com/html_docs/test.html

With the source code here: https://gitlab.com/zivbk1/bryanklein.com/blob/master/docs/test.mdk

kai-truempler commented 7 years ago

Dear Bryan,

thank you for the clear instructions and especially for providing a test document and source code, this is very helpful.

Reading my question, I realize it is quite unclear. My main concern is that I cannot replace the list delimiter or separator:

I am looking for a way to replace the standard period with a bracket (or other separators if needed) - so instead of "a." I would like to see "a)" Preferably it should be possible to have different separators for different parts of a nested list.

I reread section section 5.5 of the reference manual which is quite explicit on how to change numbering for headings. Sadly, I am unable to transfer the concepts in there to lists.

Any help on this would be very welcome and I apologize for being unclear in the question.