koka-lang / madoko

Madoko is a fast markdown processor for high quality academic and technical articles
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Creating Journal Template, Multiple Minor Issues #8

Open aolney opened 7 years ago

aolney commented 7 years ago

Apologies I posted this on codeplex before finding the GitHub repo.

I've recently become editor of a journal and am investigating the possibility of accepting submissions in Markdown or similar format.

Using madoko-local with the online service, I have used the "Import LaTex document" function to import the journal's existing LaTex style.

The results are encouraging enough that I think it would be worthwhile to try to work through several minor issues.

I've put the journals pdf instructions (which are generated with LaTex) and the madoko conversion here.

The first issue is the author block. In the madoko header, it is imported like this

Author      : [Author One]{font-size:large}&br;Institution of Author one&br;email.of@author.dom \and [Second Author]{font-size:large}&br;Affiliation&br;email@xx.xx  \and [Third Author]{font-size:large}&br;Affiliation&br;email@xx.xx

In addition to not rendering correctly, this causes LaTex to issue a "Missing } inserted" error. If I replace the RHS of the author line with "Me," the error disappears.

The second issue is the font. I imported the journal's .cls file, but while the journal font is "Nimbus," the madoko font is "LMMono" and "LMRoman".

Third is the placement and formatting of captions. The journal style requires Table captions above and Figure captions below, but madoko is placing all captions below, with an intervening line. Captions are also supposed to have a fixed width and be in a smaller font.

Finally, the references are numbered in the madoko output but not in the journal style.

Any guidance on the above would be appreciated. Also, any thoughts about the best way to handle the overall problem (accepting submissions in markdown or similar) would be appreciated.

aolney commented 7 years ago


  1. I have added multiple authors by putting this in the header

    Author      : Me
    Affiliation : me affiliation
    Email       : me email
    Author      : Me2
    Affiliation : me2 affiliation
    Email       : me2 email
    Author      : Me3
    Affiliation : me3 affiliation
    Email       : me3 email

    The renders correctly in html with 3 columns of authors. However, in pdflatex they are all in a single column

  2. Font I resolved by Pdf Latex : pdflatex instead of the default xelatex

  3. Captions are somewhat better with the following attributes

    ~ Begin TableFigure { #tab-1 ; \
    caption:"This is an example of a table that lists the margins of this template.  Captions should follow the same rules as a figure, except that they are put on top of the table." ; \
    width: 193mm; font-size: small} 

    However the width goes off the page for pdflatex. It also seems that the width is applied to the figure and not the caption, which is not intended. Additionally the position of the caption (above/below) the figure is still not correct.

  4. Numbered references I have been unable to resolve. They look correct/unnumbered in the HTML output but are in pdflatex