kokke / tiny-ECDH-c

Small portable Elliptic-Curve Diffie-Hellman in C
The Unlicense
254 stars 64 forks source link

Results are Differential to OpenSSL #11

Closed DaniWi closed 5 years ago

DaniWi commented 5 years ago

I tried to compare the public keys which are created from your algorithm with the result from OpenSSL but the created keys are different. I used the the sect163r2 curve.

Do you have tested your version against OpenSSL or LibreSSL?

kokke commented 5 years ago

Hi @DaniWi - thanks for your interest :)

This library is still is development and is probably not compatible with any other libraries than itself. There are still bugs in the code and open issues, so please don't attempt to use this in production at least :)

I hope this answers your questions, so I am closing the issue. Feel free to keep commenting though, if you have suggestions or further questions :)