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Kokkos C++ Performance Portability Programming Ecosystem: The Programming Model - Parallel Execution and Memory Abstraction
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`deep_copy` of `View` of non-trivially copyable type leads to byte-wise copy #6986

Open maartenarnst opened 5 months ago

maartenarnst commented 5 months ago

Kokkos currently implements the deep_copy of aView as a byte-wise copy under conditions summarized in this comment:

These conditions are made rigorous in the code that follows in Kokkos_CopyViews.hpp by using type traits.

It is notable that these conditions do not guard for the value type of the View to be trivially copyable. This current behavior of deep_copy for non-trivially copyable value types may be surprising. Especially between assignable memory spaces, it may be expected that the copy constructor/copy assignment operator is called.

The behavior of std::copy is different. It carries out the copy as a byte-wise copy only for trivially copyable value types.

If this current behavior is not intended, a solution may consist of leading the case of non-trivially copyable value types to an implementation that uses the ViewCopy functor:

We have tested this behavior by using a helper class that we can make non trivially copyable and that can count the number of times its special functions are called:

TEST(Copy, vector)
    constexpr size_t size = 10;

    //! Constructor

    const std::vector<tester_t> vector(size);

    EXPECT_EQ(tester_t::getConstructorCount(), size);

    //! Copy constructor

    std::vector<tester_t> vector_copy(vector);

    EXPECT_EQ(tester_t::getConstructorCount()    , 0);
    EXPECT_EQ(tester_t::getCopyConstructorCount(), size);
    EXPECT_EQ(tester_t::getCopyAssignmentCount(),  0);

    //! @c std::copy

    std::copy(vector.cbegin(), vector.cend(), vector_copy.begin());

    EXPECT_EQ(tester_t::getConstructorCount(),     0);
    EXPECT_EQ(tester_t::getCopyConstructorCount(), 0);
    EXPECT_EQ(tester_t::getCopyAssignmentCount(), size);

template <typename T>
class CopyViewsTest : public ::testing::Test {};

using CopyViewsTestTypes = ::testing::Types<
    std::pair<Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace, Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace>
    , std::pair<Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace, Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace>
    , std::pair<Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace, Kokkos::DefaultHostExecutionSpace>

TYPED_TEST_SUITE(CopyViewsTest, CopyViewsTestTypes);

TYPED_TEST(CopyViewsTest, view)
    using src_space = typename TypeParam::first_type;
    using dst_space = typename TypeParam::second_type;

    constexpr size_t size = 10;

    //! Constructor

    const Kokkos::View<tester_t*, src_space> view("view", size);

    EXPECT_EQ(tester_t::getConstructorCount(), size);


    const Kokkos::View<tester_t*, dst_space> view_copy(Kokkos::view_alloc(Kokkos::WithoutInitializing, "view"), size);

    //! @c Kokkos::deep_copy
    Kokkos::deep_copy(view_copy, view);

    EXPECT_EQ(tester_t::getConstructorCount(),     0);
    EXPECT_EQ(tester_t::getCopyConstructorCount(), 0);
    EXPECT_EQ(tester_t::getCopyAssignmentCount(),  0);

The code of the helper class, called tester_t in the snippet, is in attachment:

Joint work with @romintomasetti. Issue created after a brief discussion with @dalg24.

masterleinad commented 5 months ago

See https://github.com/kokkos/kokkos/issues/2021.

crtrott commented 5 months ago

Basically we are in somewhat of a bind here. In order to move across memory-space boundaries we may have no option other than to men-cpy but trivially-copyable is too harsh a condition. This is the same issue for which SYCL introduced its device copyable trait you can opt in too. Maybe we should consider doing this for Kokkos 5, i.e. require it. For now I don't want to guarantee different semantic behavior depending on the memory spaces you copy between. So effectively mem-cpy it is. We should document this properly though. There are other similar thorny issues. For example the functors we use must be "device copyable" because we effectively have to move them to some place on the GPU. That move is NOT done via a copy constructor. Furthermore that object is not destructed either.

And while I get the desire to treat this rigorously: practically no one has complained about it in 12 years of Kokkos deployment - and fixing it properly means a bunch of extra boilerplate everyone has to write or significant performance costs.

Here is a sketch for a fix:

All in all I would expect 10%-30% percent slow down for apps which don't do the proper opt-in based on what some of these mechanism cost (e.g. the large functor launch mechanism) and the extra cost in latency.

ajpowelsnl commented 3 months ago


nliber commented 2 months ago

And even with the opt-in, it is still easy to invoke language undefined behavior. Just because a user says a type is memcpyable doesn't make it so as far as the language is concerned.