Closed NaderAlAwar closed 3 years ago
Repost from Slack discussion:
So the only thing that does not work is:
view = kokkos.array("view", [5], dtype=kokkos.double, space=kokkos.CudaSpace)
arr = cp.array(view, copy=False)
because the constructor isn’t initializing the memory. This works:
view = kokkos.array("view", [5], dtype=kokkos.double, space=kokkos.CudaUVMSpace)
arr = cp.array(view, copy=False)
Or if you create Kokkos::View<double**, Kokkos::CudaSpace>
in C++ code and initialize the memory, e.g.
struct InitView {
explicit InitView(view_type _v) : m_view(_v) {}
void operator()(const int i) const {
m_view(i, i % 2) = i;
view_type m_view;
view_type generate_view(size_t n) {
view_type _v("user_view", n, 2);
Kokkos::RangePolicy<Kokkos::Cuda, int> range(0, n);
Kokkos::parallel_for("generate_view", range, InitView{_v});
return _v;
and create a binding to generate_view then this works fine:
view = generate_view(args.ndim)
print("Kokkos View : {} (shape={})".format(type(view).__name__,
arr = np.array(view, copy=False)
print("Numpy Array : {} (shape={})".format(type(arr).__name__, arr.shape))
Your test case is basically something that (I don’t think) anybody would ever really do in a real-life scenario, e.g. create a non-UVM CUDA allocation, do nothing with it, and then convert it to numpy/cupy. But in the other cases where you actually do something with it in C++ and return it to python, or create a UVM allocation and do something with it in Python before copying it over to numpy/cupy, etc. — those are working.
But I will get that test case working, I just hadn’t ever thought to test out that scenario.
Is there a way to get a cupy or numpy array from a CudaSpace view? This code results in a segfault when I try to create the cupy array. I also tried variations with numpy arrays and copy=True, but that didn't work either.
Python version: 3.8.3 Numpy version: 1.18.5 Cupy version: 7.8.0 CUDA version: 11.0 I also built the project with -DKokkos_ENABLE_CUDA=ON