kokkos / stdBLAS

Reference Implementation for stdBLAS
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Add conditional stdpar feature #256

Open mhoemmen opened 1 year ago

mhoemmen commented 1 year ago

GCC, even 13.1.0, needs TBB in order for <execution> features to compile. Thus, we added a LINALG_ENABLE_TBB CMake option, and documented the option in README.md. We've tested the option using a local TBB from-source build from their main branch, with GCC 13.1.0. (You may need to set the CMake option TBB_STRICT=OFF, to disable warnings as errors in TBB.)

Previously, stdBLAS was using the MDSPAN_EXAMPLES_USE_EXECUTION_POLICIES macro to protect use of std::execution features in examples. We added a new macro LINALG_HAS_EXECUTION (conditionally defined in macros.hpp) to indicate that std::execution features can be used, and replaced all instances of MDSPAN_EXAMPLES_USE_EXECUTION_POLICIES with LINALG_HAS_EXECUTION.

While doing this, we noticed that macros.hpp was not including the CMake-generated header file linalg_config.h, even though linalg_config.h has a nonzero number of macro definitions in it. Thus, we made sure that macros.hpp includes linalg_config.h, so that macros.hpp (and thereby all stdBLAS headers) can pick up CMake options. (Otherwise, CMake options aren't very useful!)

Requiring a CMake-generated header file effectively makes stdBLAS no longer a header-only library. We consider this reasonable, especially since many implementations in practice would want to link against a binary-only BLAS library. The only other option would be to require GCC users to use TBB. However, the TBB repository doesn't seem to have software releases past 2021, and it's not clear whether the main branch can be considered stable. Thus, we think conditionally disabling <execution> features if using GCC and TBB is not available is reasonable.

These changes were copied over from PR #254 (thanks to @amklinv-nnl for implementing them!). This PR supersedes PR #254.