koko1000ban / SublimeGtags

GNU GLOBAL(gtags) support for Sublime Text 2/3
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GTAGS not found. #11

Open DolphinDream opened 11 years ago

DolphinDream commented 11 years ago

I installed SublimeGtags via package control within sublime text 2 and added the path to the GTAGS files generated with gtags (in user's Gtags.sublime-settings) and the "Navigate to Definition" and "Find References" both fail with a "GTAGS not found. build tags by 'gtags'" error. Any ideas why this happens?

i added this to my Gtags.sublime-settings:

{ // show relative paths in keyword jump selection panel "show_relative_paths": true,

// a list of other locations to look up (GTAGSLIBPATH)
"extra_tag_paths" : ["/home/username/sandbox"]


the sandbox folder is where i generated the gtags (GTAGS, GPATH files).

DolphinDream commented 11 years ago

actually... nevermind. I was in a dirtbox that did not have the GTAGS created for. oops, sorry.

However, why is it that the extra_tag_path failed to be used ? The /home/username/sandbox folder does have GTAGS file in it. It seems that gtags.py 's find_tags_root will find a root folder when traversing down to the parent of the current file's directory and it appears that run_on_cwd it will not use the extra_tag_path location at all as a fallback. I'm not sure what the intention was for the extra_tag_path. Was it to provide additional GTAGS location on top of the main one or to provide fallbacks paths?