kolan4ick / TaskProAPI

API for TaskPro project 5-th course university
MIT License
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Notification Service #7

Open kolan4ick opened 8 months ago

kolan4ick commented 8 months ago

Create service that will send alerts and reminders.

Skapupel commented 8 months ago

👋 Hi there,

I'd like to take on this task and create a service in Ruby that sends alerts and reminders. Here's a rough outline of how I plan to approach this:

  1. Requirements Gathering: First, I'll gather all the necessary requirements from the issue description and any additional details provided.

  2. Design: I'll design the service, including its architecture, data flow, and user interface if applicable. This will include deciding on the communication channels for sending alerts and reminders.

  3. Ruby Implementation: I'll start writing the Ruby code, ensuring that it's clean, modular, and well-documented. The choice of libraries and frameworks will depend on the specific requirements.

  4. Alert and Reminder Logic: I'll implement the logic for creating and scheduling alerts and reminders. This may involve using a scheduler or a background job processing system.

  5. Testing: Rigorous testing will be a crucial part of this project. I'll write unit tests to ensure that the code functions as expected.

  6. Integration: If needed, I'll integrate the service with external systems or platforms for sending alerts, such as email, SMS, or push notifications.

  7. Documentation: I'll provide comprehensive documentation on how to use the service, configure it, and troubleshoot common issues.

  8. Deployment: Once everything is ready, I'll assist with the deployment process and provide guidance on how to set up the service in your environment.

  9. Support and Maintenance: I'll be available for any questions, bug fixes, or improvements post-deployment.

Please feel free to provide any specific requirements or preferences you have in mind, and I'll make sure to incorporate them into the development process. If there are any other details or clarifications needed, don't hesitate to ask. I'm excited to get started on this!

Looking forward to your feedback and guidance.

Best regards, Skapupel