kolber / stacey

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Running stacey from localhost/~username #129

Closed kariemil closed 9 years ago

kariemil commented 9 years ago

Working in /Library/WebServer/Documents can be a pain because every change requires authentication, so I wanted to move the file to ~/Sites. I followed instructions found online about how to set this up. However, clean URLs do not work in this environment. I've tried chmod and chown _www. I also tried to figure out if it had anything to do with httpd.conf but it doesn't seem to (it already says AllowOverride All). Any idea what the issue is?

pbatts commented 9 years ago

Hello, Are you still having trouble running from ~/Sites? If yes, the first step is to config your machine to show hidden files. It will require command line execution in terminal if you are comfortable with that. I've been running from ~/Sites for quite some time and can't imagine doing it any other way. Regards, PB

mjau-mjau commented 9 years ago

Should be pretty straight-forward, you just need to change Apache to point to ~/Sites folder, and it should not really affect Stacey ...

kariemil commented 9 years ago

I figured this out. It was an issue with Yosemite, where some of the setup process has been changed. I was eventually able to figure it out, though.

pbatts commented 9 years ago

@kariemil Thanks for letting us know that you got it fixed.