kolber / stacey

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Is there any option to disable to title case of the titles? #134

Closed christophknoth closed 9 years ago

christophknoth commented 9 years ago

All words in the titles always start with an uppercase letter. I guess this makes sense in English but maybe not in all other languages (e.g. in German). Maybe this should be rather done in the templating language and not set as a default?

Does anybody know if there is an option to disable this?

pbatts commented 9 years ago

Hello, Are you sure about that? I just checked this and I am not getting the same result. Changing upper case to lower case in the .yml file's title: name key: value pair changed the titles to all lower case for me.

christophknoth commented 9 years ago

Thank you @pbatts. I just figured page.page_name gives the title from the folder in title case page.title gives the title from the yml file. Would have been handy if I could only use the folder names. Would have saved some work.

o-l-e commented 9 years ago

Hey @christophknoth @pbatts you can use Twig filters for this to achieve what you want. For example the filter "lower" will force lowercase, try this:

{{ page.page_name|lower }}

or captialize

{{ page.page_name|capitalize }}

or title (title case)

{{ page.page_name|title }}

Filters found here: http://twig.sensiolabs.org/documentation

pbatts commented 9 years ago

@o-l-e thanks for the input, as always. Filters a great also. I was imagining @christophknoth needing a combination of lower and upper case in the title. But, now, you have me curious. Could the filter be applied only to the first character? If so, that would essentially disable the page_name function in the core code.

@christophknoth In case you wanted to take a peek, the page_name core function is located at stacey > app > page-data.inc.php beginning at line 102

o-l-e commented 9 years ago

@pbatts i could not find a filter that does exactly what you want (filter only the first character), but it can be achieved in a hacky kind of way.

 outputs only the first letter

 outputs everything but the first letter

if you combine the first line with the upper-filter, and second line with the lower-filter, you get what you are looking for:

 outputs first letter uppercase + the rest in lowercase 

As i said it is not perfect, but does what you are after. Found a comment at the end of this thread that gave this solution: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8998914/twig-how-to-get-the-first-character-in-a-string

o-l-e commented 9 years ago

oh and @christophknoth are you simply looking for the folder name? If so this is simple:

outputs "page-name"
christophknoth commented 9 years ago

I was looking for something that also would give me Upper and lowercase and no hyphens. But I guess that was a stupid idea anyways because there are problems with diacritics depending on the server configuration.