kolbyjack / MMM-Wallpaper

MagicMirror module to display wallpapers from various online sources
MIT License
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Local Pictures not resizing when cover is selected #31

Closed illbill4rill closed 3 years ago

illbill4rill commented 3 years ago

pretty much what it says in the title, the pictures will resize during transitions, but afterwards it seems to switch to contain

roo82 commented 3 years ago

I'm seeing this as well, but with any parameter passed to size, i.e. cover, contain, or auto. It also happens whether crossfade is set to true or false.

Here's my module config, if it's useful:

{ module: "MMM-Wallpaper",` position: "fullscreen_below", config: { // See "Configuration options" for more information. source: "local:/mnt/nfs/...snip.../", size: "cover", slideInterval: 30 * 1000 // Change slides every minute } },

mentario commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

i really like this module, but im experiencing a similar misbehaviour. On the first cycle, alle images are shown perfectly sized. After the first cycle, pictures are no longer sized on time, BUT they are sized to monitorsize while being show. Its always missing a part on the right side. ( I can see the previous image behind it ). a fix would be SO lovely :)

openedhardware commented 3 years ago

Same issue on my RPi 4...


You can see that the next image is not resized correctly.

This happens sometimes.

How can we fix this issue?

kolbyjack commented 3 years ago

Can you try the dom-refactor branch? It removes the elements from the normal module hierarchy, which should mean that I can control the size better.

openedhardware commented 3 years ago

Hi, @kolbyjack Yeah, dom-refactor branch doesn't have that issue! :+1:

By the way, is there any tip to improve the performance on 4K display? The image transition is very choppy and the current second of the time module stops increasing for 2~3s.


kolbyjack commented 3 years ago

You could try setting crossfade: false in the config, that usually helps some. Closing this ticket for now since the reported issue appears to be resolved