koli / kong-ingress

[DEPRECATED] A Kubernetes Ingress for Kong
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Domains and CSD are not deleting #30

Closed arundeepkurni closed 6 years ago

arundeepkurni commented 6 years ago

Trying to delete CSD (domains.platform.koli.io) and domains ("acme-org") by using below commands: kubectl delete domain acme-org --force kubectl delete customresourcedefinition domains.platform.koli.io --force

Some how, these are not deleting, kubectl describe csd domains.platform.koli.io gives below information,

$ kubectl describe customresourcedefinition domains.platform.koli.io Name: domains.platform.koli.io Namespace: Labels: Annotations: kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration={"apiVersion":"apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1","kind":"CustomResourceDefinition","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"domains.platform.koli.io","namespac... API Version: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 Kind: CustomResourceDefinition Metadata: Creation Timestamp: 2017-12-02T20:50:19Z Deletion Grace Period Seconds: 0 Deletion Timestamp: 2017-12-03T17:10:37Z Finalizers: customresourcecleanup.apiextensions.k8s.io Generation: 1 Resource Version: 225770 Self Link: /apis/apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1/customresourcedefinitions/domains.platform.koli.io UID: 689e052b-d7a2-11e7-9912-fa163ee34aab Spec: Group: platform.koli.io Names: Kind: Domain List Kind: DomainList Plural: domains Singular: domain Scope: Namespaced Version: v1 Status: Accepted Names: Kind: Domain List Kind: DomainList Plural: domains Singular: domain Conditions: Last Transition Time: Message: no conflicts found Reason: NoConflicts Status: True Type: NamesAccepted Last Transition Time: 2017-12-02T20:50:19Z Message: the initial names have been accepted Reason: InitialNamesAccepted Status: True Type: Established Last Transition Time: Message: could not confirm zero CustomResources remaining: timed out waiting for the condition Reason: InstanceDeletionCheck Status: True Type: Terminating Events:

Am I doing anything wrong here, how to cleanup these CSD's ? any best practices?

sandromello commented 6 years ago

A finalizer is added to domain resources, which blocks the removal until all the kong API resources are wiped out. If the controller is having problems to wipe the resources (e.g.: usually problems on connecting to Kong API) you could check it out the events of Kubernetes:

kubectl get events -n <namespace-of-domain>

If nothing has showed up, you could check the logs from the controller.

If you want to remove the resource manually you could edit the domain and clean the finalizer:

  clusterName: ""
  creationTimestamp: 2017-11-29T19:28:13Z
  - kolihub.io/kong

Be aware that this may leave unwanted routes in Kong

arundeepkurni commented 6 years ago

editing domain didn't hep me, but editing CSD and commenting finalize stopped CSD and domains.