kolkov / angular-editor

A simple native WYSIWYG editor component for Angular 6 -14+
MIT License
673 stars 355 forks source link

Can not display the component #175

Closed FARHANE closed 4 years ago

FARHANE commented 4 years ago

Hello, I get this error

ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Object(...) is not a function TypeError: Object(...) is not a function at kolkov-angular-editor.js:519 at Module.../../node_modules/@kolkov/angular-editor/fesm5/kolkov-angular-editor.js (kolkov-angular-editor.js:521) at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap:83)

kolkov commented 4 years ago

Hi! What browser and packajes versions you are using?

iKONBobby commented 4 years ago

hello, I get this error too; I using angular 7.0 and angular-editor 1.0.2 @kolkov

kolkov commented 4 years ago

@iKONBobby For Angular 7.0 we must use AngularEditor 0.18.4+ instead 1.0.2

iKONBobby commented 4 years ago

Hello, I have another question is that I use angular material in my program. In i, .icomoon-liga, .material-icons, his font-family uses! Important which prevents the icon of the angular editor from being displayed. How can i solve this @kolkov

iKONBobby commented 4 years ago

When I manually added! Important to the font-family attribute of .fa [_ngcontent-c31] in the debug page of Google Chrome, it worked

kolkov commented 4 years ago

Haah, this is very strange. I use this editor in my own project with material library and all worked correctly. Provide an repo please with your config. Thanks!

iKONBobby commented 4 years ago

this is my dependencies "dependencies": { "@agm/core": "1.0.0-beta.5", "@angular/animations": "7.2.1", "@angular/cdk": "7.2.1", "@angular/common": "7.2.1", "@angular/compiler": "7.2.1", "@angular/core": "7.2.1", "@angular/flex-layout": "7.0.0-beta.23", "@angular/forms": "7.2.1", "@angular/http": "7.2.1", "@angular/material": "7.2.1", "@angular/material-moment-adapter": "7.2.1", "@angular/platform-browser": "7.2.1", "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "7.2.1", "@angular/pwa": "^0.800.3", "@angular/router": "7.2.1", "@angular/service-worker": "7.2.1", "@kolkov/angular-editor": "^0.18.7", "@ngrx/effects": "7.0.0", "@ngrx/router-store": "7.0.0", "@ngrx/store": "7.0.0", "@ngrx/store-devtools": "7.0.0", "@ngx-translate/core": "11.0.1", "@swimlane/dragula": "3.7.3", "@swimlane/ngx-charts": "10.0.0", "@swimlane/ngx-datatable": "14.0.0", "@swimlane/ngx-dnd": "6.0.0", "@types/prismjs": "1.9.0", "amazing-time-picker": "^1.8.0", "angular-calendar": "0.26.4", "angular-in-memory-web-api": "0.8.0", "angularx-qrcode": "^1.5.3", "bootstrap": "^4.3.1", "chart.js": "2.7.3", "classlist.js": "1.1.20150312", "core-js": "2.6.2", "d3": "5.7.0", "date-fns": "1.30.1", "e-ngx-print": "^5.3.1", "file-saver": "^2.0.0", "font-awesome": "^4.7.0", "hammerjs": "2.0.8", "lodash": "4.17.11", "moment": "2.23.0", "ng2-charts": "1.6.0", "ngrx-store-freeze": "0.2.4", "ngx-captcha": "^6.4.0", "ngx-color-picker": "7.3.0", "ngx-cookie-service": "2.1.0", "ngx-file-drop": "^8.0.8", "ngx-image-cropper": "^0.2.8", "ngx-input-file": "^1.0.4", "ngx-logger": "^4.0.3", "ngx-permissions": "^6.0.1", "perfect-scrollbar": "1.4.0", "prismjs": "1.15.0", "rxjs": "6.3.3", "saturn-datepicker": "6.0.1", "web-animations-js": "2.3.1", "xlsx": "^0.14.1", "zone.js": "0.8.28" },

and config config: AngularEditorConfig = { editable: true, spellcheck: true, height: 'auto', minHeight: '300px', width: 'auto', minWidth: '0', translate: 'yes', enableToolbar: true, showToolbar: true, placeholder: 'Enter text here...', defaultFontName: 'Arial', defaultFontSize: '2', }; and the Picture displayed incorrectly 881576833556_ pic

thanks every much!

iKONBobby commented 4 years ago

the css of material and editor 891576834089_ pic 901576834253_ pic

kolkov commented 4 years ago

Provide your clonable repo with this bug on github.com please.

kolkov commented 4 years ago

Although the best, as I think, is to use our own SVG font in the Editor or SVG icons directly.

iKONBobby commented 4 years ago

I solved this problem. The original css file is not in the unchangeable file of material, but in the css of the changeable file in my project. I removed! Important. Then the problem was solved. Thank you!!

kolkov commented 4 years ago

Good news.)

DusanBozovic commented 4 years ago

can you provide a more detailed explanation, because i also have this issue image

carlospcpro commented 4 years ago

@kolkov same oiginal error "core.js:1673 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Object(...) is not a function TypeError: Object(...) is not a function at kolkov-angular-editor.js:519 at Object../node_modules/@kolkov/angular-editor/fesm5/kolkov-angular-editor.js (kolkov-angular-editor.js:521)"

Using Angular CLI: 6.0.8 Node: 12.16.1
OS: win32 x64
Angular: 6.1.10

And "@kolkov/angular-editor": "^1.1.2",