kolkov / ngx-gallery

A simple responsive native gallery component for Angular 8+.
MIT License
115 stars 56 forks source link

Enhancement (Video support) #1

Closed solcre-gr closed 4 years ago

solcre-gr commented 4 years ago

There is any plans to add videos in the gallery?

kolkov commented 4 years ago

Hi! Thanks for your request. Do you want to use video from youtube or from other resources?

solcre-gr commented 4 years ago

Hi!, thank u for your response, i need to use it with local videos, like .mp4 or .avi.

hverma commented 4 years ago


hverma commented 4 years ago

@kolkov wondering if you have a targate date on this enhancement. Thx in advance!

kolkov commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your interesting. I finishing a big project at next week, after that I want to do this enchancement. If you have a PR, it's speed up my work.

Simbaclaws commented 4 years ago


You forked the project from lukasz-galka's project right? In which case you saw the pull request that Muhammad Altabba made.

If you could kindly add his code to your repository that would be great.

His code can be found here: https://github.com/lukasz-galka/ngx-gallery/pull/257/files/b5d80e13a9e376d1065497a464b126f72066e2c1#diff-90871a8f9a0306e34e7bee9f707e475e

In his pull request for lukasz-galka's project.

Please make this work, I can't seem to find any angular gallery package that supports video currently.

EDIT: if it's hard to read the diff changes, what you could do is clone the repository from lukasz-galka and then add the pull request yourself with git, so you can actually look through the code like you would without having to look at the diffs inside the above thread. This might be easier in figuring out where to add this code into your angular 8 version of this project.

If you need help with making the pull request, I might be able to find some time to do this later on. Please let me know if you're having issues with this and I'll help out as much as I can.

kolkov commented 4 years ago

Hi! It's not a fork, but 100% compatible by API. I will try to implement that PR into this project. Thanks.

Simbaclaws commented 4 years ago

I added video support to my pull request here: https://github.com/kolkov/ngx-gallery/pull/23

Simbaclaws commented 4 years ago

Pull Request has been merged, I suppose this issue can be set to solved. I don't have the ability to do so though.

kolkov commented 4 years ago

@Simbaclaws thanks for the PR. Try latest version please.