kolkov / ngx-gallery

A simple responsive native gallery component for Angular 8+.
MIT License
115 stars 56 forks source link

latest version is not supporting with .webp format of images. @kolkov/ngx-gallery angular 8 #25

Closed saifansari2 closed 4 years ago

saifansari2 commented 4 years ago

latest version is not supporting with .webp format of images..

its working with only jpeg jpg format

plz help me asap

i am waiting for any help

juanmalm commented 4 years ago

having same issue

kolkov commented 4 years ago

Will be fixed in next 1.2.x version.

kolkov commented 4 years ago

@juanmalm try latest 1.2.1 version please

juanmalm commented 4 years ago

Sorry @kolkov, still not working in my case :( I'll send you a private message with the webp image file URL I'm using.