kolkov / ngx-gallery

A simple responsive native gallery component for Angular 8+.
MIT License
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Bad images property falsy check in ngDoCheck when loading images async #32

Open mattgek opened 4 years ago

mattgek commented 4 years ago

fetching images from a server and passing it to the images input property with async pipe causes typeError.

Screen Shot 2020-05-22 at 14 44 06 Screen Shot 2020-05-22 at 14 42 56 Screen Shot 2020-05-22 at 14 45 41

Temporary fix by mapping null to undefined

windcloak commented 4 years ago

I got around this by putting it in its own component. It wouldn't load the images otherwise (not sure why?) <ngx-gallery [options]="galleryOptions" [images]="(cosplay | async)?.imgGalleryUrls" class="ngx-gallery"></ngx-gallery>