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Kolo constantly triggers Vue HMR #55

Closed lewiseason closed 1 year ago

lewiseason commented 1 year ago

Hello again gang,

When I have Kolo enabled, my Vue app constantly detects a change and recompiles. Presumably Kolo is touching my Vue components or some other files that Vue HMR is watching and setting it off. Is that a behaviour of Kolo, and if so, is there a way I can turn it off or opt certain paths out?

LilyFoote commented 1 year ago

Hi @lewiseason. I think the only files Kolo modifies are those in the .kolo directory we create. Is there a way to tell your Vue app to ignore that directory?

If that doesn't solve things let me know and I'll see if I can come up with any other ideas.

lewiseason commented 1 year ago

Aha, I assumed that Vue was only watching my components, but it is not. My bad - thanks for the quick response!

wilhelmklopp commented 1 year ago

@lewiseason curious if you found the setting to change this in Vue? Perhaps we can add a note to our docs to give folks a heads up

I saw something similar previously with watchman and had to tell it to ignore the .kolo directory: https://facebook.github.io/watchman/docs/config.html#ignore_dirs

lewiseason commented 1 year ago

I haven't yet @wilhelmklopp I'm afraid. I'm temporarily disabling Kolo for now while I work on this feature. If I come back to it later, I can leave a comment here to help others!

wilhelmklopp commented 1 year ago

@lewiseason I had a brief look around and stumbled upon this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/56853687/2162900

lewiseason commented 1 year ago

That doesn't work for me unfortunately, although we're using an LTS version of Vue (2.7) which is pretty old by javascript standards so I expect that's why