kolofordjango / kolo

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Installing test generation dependencies hint #58

Closed EduardRosert closed 1 year ago

EduardRosert commented 1 year ago


in the kolo VSCode extension, if I right click on a request and select "generate test" I get the error message that test_generation dependencies are not installed:

% kolo generate-test trc_01H1Y5D8AEW5S0E7P2CF7XW183 >> test_from_kolo.py
Error: Test generation dependencies are not installed.

Run `pip install kolo[test_generation]` to install them.

However the proposed command pip install kolo[test_generation] fails with zsh under macOS:

% pip install kolo[test_generation]  
zsh: no matches found: kolo[test_generation]

Changing the hint to:


    pip install 'kolo[test_generation]'    # Unix/macOS
    pip install "kolo[test_generation]"    # Windows

to install them.

should make sure that the command works on every system independent of the shell used.

LilyFoote commented 1 year ago

This will be fixed in the next release.