$ sloth-cli --debug generate -i test.yaml
DEBU[0000] Debug level is enabled version=v0.14.0
INFO[0000] SLI plugins loaded plugins=0 svc=storage.FileSLIPlugin version=v0.14.0 window=30d
INFO[0000] SLO period windows loaded svc=alert.WindowsRepo version=v0.14.0 window=30d windows=2
INFO[0000] Generating from Prometheus spec version=v0.14.0 window=30d
error: "generate" command failed: could not generate Prometheus format rules: could not generate prometheus rules: invalid SLO group: Key: 'SLOGroup.SLOs[0].SLI.' Error:Field validation for '' failed on the 'sli_type_required' tag
I am trying to use the
SLI type, but am getting an errorsli_type_required
.I have a file
looks like this:Trying to generate the rules gives this error:
I was following the diff in https://github.com/slok/sloth/pull/459, but I feel like I may be missing something.