kolos26 / GEOFS-LiverySelector

Unified livery handler addon for GeoFS.
MIT License
29 stars 55 forks source link

Livery request #543

Open GPTbest opened 7 months ago

GPTbest commented 7 months ago

Pls add livery for the dc-3. (has anyone realized that geofs messed up, it's not the dc-3 but the dc-2, dc-3 has sharper nose.) https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.eb3830d3f0e8681875a42bcf87b78d65?rik=RoFe6yGJv4mXUg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimg.wp.scn.ru%2fcamms%2far%2f53%2fpics%2f258_2.jpg&ehk=Fp1qKzdlyVRO6X1txpBrf2PoFGhd30T6RaTWCpUnNRg%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0

kolos26 commented 7 months ago

Dc3 liveries are difficult to make. I have a long-long list, but I don't think I will ever get to the end. Btw write me which one you would like

kolos26 commented 7 months ago

And regarding to the dc3 vs dc2 issue: The nose of the dc3 and c47 variants was not not the same on the thousands of planes built (landing light for example). The most significant difference between the dc3 and dc2 is the vertical stab.

dc3 image

dc2 image