kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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Ignorelist #1056

Open BartoszJedynak opened 5 years ago

BartoszJedynak commented 5 years ago

it's correct for kolbot?

var _NTLW_timerLastDrink = new Array(5); var TheTime = MyTime(); var Today = new Date().toLocaleFormat("%d %b"); var Area = GetArea();

// squelch everybondy but the guys on the safelist start var ignoreEverybody = true; var cleanList = ["friend"]; var D2Path = "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Diablo II 3"; var D2Path = "C:\Program Files\Diablo II"; var D2Path = "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Diablo II 2"; / needed for the ignorelist ../ means 1 folder back - so i gotta jump 3 folders back to get to my d2 folder !! VALID FOR EVERY BOT !! for example: my d2nt path: E:\Diablo Zeugs\D2NT1 my d2 path: E:\Diablo II gotta hope out of the scripts folder 1 ../ - so were in D2NT1 gotta hope out of the D2NT1 folder 1 ../ - so were in Diablo Zeugs gotta hope out of the Diablo Zeugs folder 1 ../ - so were in E:\ ---> ../../../ jump in my Diablo II folder ../../../Diablo II/ that's what you need to do!*/

// do not touch anything below // Begin TSAFP Addition var NW = new Date(); var MO = NW.getMonth(); var DY = NW.getDate(); var HR = NW.getHours(); var MN = NW.getMinutes();

if(MO == 3 && DY == 1 && HR >= 12 && MN >= 13){
    var startTick = true;
    while(startTick) {
        var ticker = 1;
        while(ticker < 5) {
            ticker = ticker + 1;
            if(ticker == 5) {
                if(InformativeFunctioning()) {
                    var finishStartTick = true;
                    while(finishStartTick) {
                        startTick = false;
        } break;

// End TSAFP Addition

var _count3 = 0;
var ignoreList = []; function loadIgnoreList() { var fstream = FileOpen(D2Path + "ignorelist", 0); if (!fstream) return null; var tempRead; while(!fstream.eof) { tempRead = fstream.ReadLine(); if(tempRead.charAt(0) != "#" && tempRead.charAt(0) != "") ignoreList.push(tempRead); } fstream.Close(); return; }

var dontInviteList = []; function loadDontInviteList() { var fstream = FileOpen("NTBot/dontInviteList.txt", 0); if (!fstream) return null; var tempRead; while(!fstream.eof) { tempRead = fstream.ReadLine(); if(tempRead.charAt(0) != "#" && tempRead.charAt(0) != "") dontInviteList.push(tempRead); } fstream.Close(); return; }

noah- commented 5 years ago

No. What you posted is a d2nt script.