kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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follower / leecher ? Or how to follow diabaal runs ? #1108

Open andreshko92 opened 5 years ago

andreshko92 commented 5 years ago

Good day fellow gamers.

Tried really hard to find out information on my own but failed... I wonder , how to set kolbot to find games and join them to gain experience and lvl up ? Got some info from here and there, but i need step by step guide as I am really new to kolbot... So far I only managed to run it on mephisto and few other locations , so I have a basic idea of how it works.

fabio1999ita commented 5 years ago

to join other baalrun you have to use d2botchannel instead if you have more than one key you can use leader and follower if you do baalrun you will have to use a different baal leetch script, if you want to add other things besides following a player then you have to set the various scripts to true

braxtonKappes commented 5 years ago

Check out the D2botpubjoin.dbj file (d2bs/kolbot/D2BotPubJoin.dbj). I think this is what you're looking for. I don't use it but just taking a quick look at it, looks like you need to set filters for what games it should and shouldn't join. Don't necessarily have to exclude anything, just letting you know it's an option. Good luck!

Edit: To add onto this and help a bit further is a quick example as to where to edit your lines. Line 47 inside the quotes is where you add your includefilter and line 54 for exclusions. This is assuming you're using notepad++ of course and can see line numbers. Here is a quick example of what mine looks like... screenshot_1

andreshko92 commented 5 years ago

Thank you both ! Hey Brax , your tip worked out ! How to stop the messages over the character head whiel doing diablo runs ?

andreshko92 commented 5 years ago

Just to describe what I did, perhaps could be helpful for other people. Basically as mentioned above the script which i ran is D2botpubjoin.dbj. Then thru my personal character .js file I stopped all scripts but diablo helper & baal helper. Thats it pretty much.

fabio1999ita commented 5 years ago

Thank you both ! Hey Brax , your tip worked out ! How to stop the messages over the character head whiel doing diablo runs ?

for message you need change code of DiabloHelper, but why do you have to do it?

andreshko92 commented 5 years ago

out of concern that will be reported or banned...

andreshko92 commented 5 years ago

just got a temporary ban for 30 minutes o something idk... just dont want to loose mu cd-key

braxtonKappes commented 5 years ago

Go ahead and copy/paste all of this into your DiabloHelper.js. Basically all I did here was take out all the .me overhead texts (I didn't wanna get banned either haha).


Edit: Make sure to replace all of the file with the new lines provided.

andreshko92 commented 5 years ago

Done it and holpfully will work out. But before starting it I need to fix something, It seems blizzard flagged me and temporarily bans me after some runs (dunno the count) so far it bans for 5 minutes. I am worried and according to google i should stay in games at least 3 minutes so fa so good i did set an minimum game time. However it seems that its important how quickly the bot reenter in another games and D2BotPubJoin does it way too quickly. Please tell me which file to touch and where exactly I changed the liens belwo but its still re entering too fast.

var StarterConfig = { MinGameTime: 200, // Minimum game length in seconds. If a game is ended too soon, the rest of the time is waited in the lobby PingQuitDelay: 30, // Time in seconds to wait in lobby after quitting due to high ping CreateGameDelay: 210, // Seconds to wait before creating a new game ResetCount: 15, // Reset game count back to 1 every X games. CharacterDifference: false, // Character level difference. Set to false to disable character difference. ChatActionsDelay: 10, // Seconds to wait in lobby before entering a channel

braxtonKappes commented 5 years ago

I need more details to help ya. What exactly is going wrong? How long does your bot typical sit in lobby after a game if under your specific "200"seconds? Does the bot actually sit if game length is less than 200 seconds? The easiest way to check this is by looking at your d2bot manager and looking at the status reports or simply looking at the status tab while the game is going on. I also wouldn't set it to exactly 3mins but maybe to 5mins(300seconds). Most of my hell mode runs run to 5-7 mins in length depending on players in the game.

braxtonKappes commented 5 years ago

I may have found what you are looking for. This is located in your characters config .js screenshot_1

andreshko92 commented 5 years ago

Hey good morning Brax,

Unfortunately its not this one.... Neither the one below, I will describe it briefly. No mater the game lenght (whihc can not be below 3 minutes) the bot is lightening fast in the lobby and join the first diaball game it finds... I just want the PubJoin bot to logs with 15 seconds delay after exiting of the previous game.... damn its complicating... image

Maybe somewhere here ? (there is one line which says seconds to wait before creating game, however i need join game not create) image

andreshko92 commented 5 years ago

Maybe somewhere here ? image

braxtonKappes commented 5 years ago

I'm no coder and this part of the coding says "no touchy", but I really don't think it'll hurt to try and change the "5000" tick count to say like "10000". Both of these refer to milliseconds so 5000 just means 5seconds. Try it and worst comes to worst if any error msg pops up in your manager bc of it then just change it back. Hopefully this fixes your problem though!

andreshko92 commented 5 years ago

Just tried it and it seems that the delay is extended slightly , I think it worked. Only blizzard flagging will proove :D