kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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AutoMule Switch Char Delay #1230

Open St0rm420 opened 5 years ago

St0rm420 commented 5 years ago

So automule works fine for me up until I have 2 or 3 mules full of items. The automule will open them each in order, realize they are full and then switch to the next. After 2 or 3 times of this its switching so fast I end up getting a temp ban and losing all the items the main bot drops to mule.

Is there a way to add a delay or increase the delay between switching mule characters ?

Or is there a way to have automule already aware the mule character is full and just straight make a new character instead of it having to log in the full mule and go through the "Mule full, switching character" jazz ?

ghost commented 5 years ago

Don't use the same profile in AutoMule.js if you're using multiple bots

St0rm420 commented 5 years ago

I have a profile setup for my light sorc and a profile setup for my mule character. All I need to know is how to make it take longer between switching characters on my mule profile. The first 3 mules are full right now and it trys each of them so fast it gets me temp banned. It never gets a chance to mule anything because by the time its made it to the third mule it gets temp banned

5noop commented 5 years ago

Or is there a way to have automule already aware the mule character is full and just straight make a new character instead of it having to log in the full mule and go through the "Mule full, switching character" jazz ?

How did you setup Automule.js ? Because the default behavior is to keep track of the mules and don't use them anymore once they are full. You should also have a file called AutoMule.MuleProfileName.js under kolbot/logs, is it the case ? What's in it ?

St0rm420 commented 5 years ago

var AutoMule = { Mules: { "Mule1": { muleProfile: "Mule1", // The name of mule profile in d2bot#. It will be started and stopped when needed. accountPrefix: "L)C-Muley", // Account prefix. Numbers added automatically when making accounts. accountPassword: "", // Account password. charPrefix: "LC-Muley", // Character prefix. Suffix added automatically when making characters. realm: "useast", // Available options: "useast", "uswest", "europe", "asia" expansion: true, ladder: true, hardcore: false,

        // Game name and password of the mule game. Never use the same game name as for mule logger.
        muleGameName: ["jaja8", "8"], // ["gamename", "password"]

        // List of profiles that will mule items. Example: enabledProfiles: ["profile 1", "profile 2"],
        enabledProfiles: ["SorcL"],

        // Stop a profile prior to muling. Useful when running 8 bots without proxies.
        stopProfile: "",
        stopProfileKeyRelease: false, // true = stopProfile key will get released on stop. useful when using 100% of your keys for botting.

        // Trigger muling at the end of a game if used space in stash and inventory is equal to or more than given percent.
        usedStashTrigger: 80,
        usedInventoryTrigger: 80,

        // Mule items that have been stashed at some point but are no longer in pickit.
        muleOrphans: true

That's my settings for AutoMule.js. Mule1 is the profile on D2Bot#, SorcL is the profile of my light sorc.

In the Kolbot / Logs is a filed called "AutoMule.Mule1.json" and it contains this : {"account":"L)C-Muley1","accNum":1,"character":"LC-Muleybc","charNum":3,"fullChars":["LC-Muleyba","LC-Muleybb"],"torchChars":[]}

Which seems to be accurate, the first 2 are full but it keeps trying to use the first 2 full mules Muleyba and Muleybb before the one it should now be using Muleybc

5noop commented 5 years ago

There seems to be nothing wrong in your files. The easiest solution would be to re download the bot, and bonus point: a min game time has been added for the mules in the last version.

St0rm420 commented 5 years ago

I downloaded the new bot, its still not recognizing when a mule is full beforehand and is trying each of them, it does however have the delay between switching characters now which is what I was looking for originally so issue is half resolved I suppose. Would still be nice if it wasn't trying mules it has already marked as full.

ghost commented 5 years ago

The Bot will try to use the same ones if you deleted the mule logs Make a new Account prefix should help Post the whole Config of AutoMule.js on pastebin please (Remove passwords) It's a simple setup...you probably messed something up You can add me XML#1628 Discord for better chat

imbalanced commented 5 years ago

D2BotMule file has MinGameTime setting that still stay in game so you won't be switching characters too fast. But keep in mind your bot will only wait for so long for whole mule sequence so you may want to increase muling time from AutoMule.js. There's timeout variable that defines the maximum mule time.

timeout = 150 * 1000, // Ingame mule timeout