kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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major issue #1386

Open Blitz28 opened 5 years ago

Blitz28 commented 5 years ago

okay so when a leader and a follower are doing public runs. there is a super small window before party.js starts that a person can hostile the follower and the follower wont leave game and will continue as if all is normal allowing the bot to be pk'ed. This is a huge issue for hardcore bots. From my understanding this only works on followers and not on leads. does any1 know how to make the antihostile config start the moment a D2BotFollow joins game?

oband2 commented 5 years ago

Anti hostile is in the config for all chars. // Anti-hostile config Config.AntiHostile = false; // Enable anti-hostile Config.HostileAction = 0; // 0 - quit immediately, 1 - quit when hostile player is sighted, 2 - attack hostile Config.TownOnHostile = false; // Go to town instead of quitting when HostileAction is 0 or 1 Config.RandomPrecast = false; // Anti-PK measure, only supported in Baal and BaalHelper and BaalAssisstant at the moment. Config.ViperCheck = false; // Quit if revived Tomb Vipers are sighted

Blitz28 commented 5 years ago

thank you oband but re-read the question. there is a small window before the anti hostile engages that a person can hostile a d2botfollow and it wont leave game. has nothing to do with the setting in the config. a guy told me he could kill my druid if he wanted so i bet him a sick 2 to all skill crafted pali amulet that he couldnt and my druid would just leave the game like it does every time some one hostiles it... he won the bet. in the first about 1 second of the game, before the follow join group with the lead, a bot can be hostiled and it wont acknowledge it. it will remain in the game with a hostile player and run through its scripts as if all was normal.

Blitz28 commented 5 years ago

this guy claims to have killed dozens of hardcore bots using this bug

mf022 commented 5 years ago

update your files https://github.com/kolton/d2bot-with-kolbot/pull/1416 was merged few days ago

my option isn't public games for HC chars, but private ones, eventually shared only with trusted people.

you should consider the option Config.TownOnHostile = true; because leaving games too fast can bring temporary restriction issues.