kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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Questions about Follower Kolbot #1641

Closed ARkaine2 closed 4 years ago

ARkaine2 commented 5 years ago

Is it possible to make YOU (profile which you play by your own hands) as leader (or a rusher in terminology of Kolbot) and others (other profiles) to follow you (your commands)? How to do it?

I heard that it was fixed on official Battle.Net (by the way is that true?), but I'm interested in doing this in version 1.13(d)


RNCTX commented 5 years ago


You have to tell the following toon when to take TPs and get WPs, otherwise it will follow you and fight whatever you fight based on the attack config. I use it every reset to level two toons at the same time with, works great.

ARkaine2 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for answer! But i got additional questions.

I followed guide but i can't get one paragraph.

Guide tells:

Remember to set you "Attack config" properly for leecher(s) in Character config

Here is a list of full commands:

Main Commands

1 - take leader's tp from town / move to leader's town 2 - take leader's tp to town 3 - town manager c - get corpse p - pick items s - toggle stop (charname) s - toggle stop (charname)

How should I place these commands? I mean: What excactly should I write into Attack Config in the Character Config?

I tried to compare described in guide commands ("1 - take leader's tp from town / move to leader's town", "2 - take leader's tp to town") with skill IDs in Skills.txt (for example: "0 Attack", "1 Kick") and i was confused, because they are different. :) How follower will know where is skill and where is command?

That was the first part of my question.

And the second part of my question is: Follover doesn't follow leader (probably that's because commands weren't set). Is it possible to make follower follow (run/walk) the leader?

TheJMC17 commented 5 years ago

I can give my two cents about attacks in character config. There are templates you can use: "branches\patch-113d\d2bs\kolbot\libs\config\Templates\Attacks.txt" and you'll notice they match the text file you mentioned "branches\patch-113d\d2bs\kolbot\sdk\skills.txt"

As for the general questions you're having, seems like you're confusing bot commands with attack configs. Bot commands (1,2,3 wp, a1,a2,a3 etc..) are typed in-chat; in-game. (from one character to another)

And your last question, in your character config, in the "leeching section", at the very bottom, you'll find: "Scripts.Follower = false; // Script that follows a manually played leader around like a merc. For a list of commands, see Follower.js" I believe that's what you are looking for. Don't forget to set the leader's name.

Personally I'm running in single player, I wouldn't want to confuse you with my instructions. Here's what I think should still matter for B.Net: High level character config, in "Public game options", has "Config.PublicMode = 1; // 1 = invite and accept, 2 = accept only, 3 = invite only, 0 = disable" From the "leeching section", It has "Scripts.Follower = false;" and "Config.Leader = "Marina";" (Which is the name of my low level character (If you're running multiple low levels, you might want to leave that empty))

In the low level character config, you should also have "Config.PublicMode = 1;" From the "leeching section", It has "Scripts.Follower = true;" and "Config.Leader = "Freya";" (Which is the name of my high level character)

This should, in effect, make your low level character follow around your high level character. If you don't set the attacks in your low level character config, it shouldn't attack anything.

Config.AttackSkill[0] = -1; // Preattack skill. Config.AttackSkill[1] = -1; // Primary skill for bosses. Config.AttackSkill[2] = -1; // Backup/Immune skill for bosses. Config.AttackSkill[3] = -1; // Primary skill for others. Config.AttackSkill[4] = -1; // Backup/Immune skill for others.

(Oh and to get your low level to follow you once you're in-game, go outside, make a TP and type 1 in the chat) (If you've made a mistake and left the leecher stranded, try telling it to change act by typing "a1" (or a2,a3,a4,a5), wait for the failure/success message then type 1 again.)

I have to add though, that, while you do you, I would suggest doing the opposite. It's easier to control your low level manually and let your high level run around and kill everything, especially since your low level is unlikely to have teleport and will easily run out of stamina. Treads of Cthon are lvl 15, so it'll take awhile to fix that stamina problem.

ARkaine2 commented 5 years ago

Thanks. I'm moving forward in understanding the follower.

As for the general questions you're having, seems like you're confusing bot commands with attack configs. Bot commands (1,2,3 wp, a1,a2,a3 etc..) are typed in-chat; in-game. (from one character to another)

I typed these commands when follower wasn't in party -- they didn't affect it, but when I took party follower started to behave like puppet. :D

So I got additional question: Is there a way to make follower automaticly take party (let's say party invite from leader)?

And thanks a lot for your detailed clarification.

TheJMC17 commented 5 years ago

No problems.

Setting "Config.PublicMode = 1;" on all character configs should do the trick.