kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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OrgTorch Lilith issue :S #1761

Open croboy opened 5 years ago

croboy commented 5 years ago

Hey guys. So I'm still struggling to get my bot to beat Lilith, which I thought was weird because my bot can do ubers no problem. I use hammers on regular mobs because my bot does normal runs until it has enough keysets.

So I watched my bot when it enters the matrons den, and found the problem. He teleports to Lilith, attacks with Smite 2-3 times, teleports around 5 meters away, then teleports back and attacks another 3 times and repeats.

The teleporting away and back is causing him to die. I checked and telestomp is set to disabled, and the bot doesn't do this to Uber Duriel or Uber Izual (pasted my orgtorch settings below), it just keeps on smiting them and doesn't teleport away like it does with lilith.

Can anyone think of why he would teleport away and then back onto Lilith but not the other Ubers?

I have disabled preattack skill with -1 i have made sure telestomp is false This is some of my settings in my Paladin.charname.js

Config.AttackSkill[0] = -1; // Preattack skill.
Config.AttackSkill[1] = 112; // Primary skill to bosses.
Config.AttackSkill[2] = 113; // Primary aura to bosses
Config.AttackSkill[3] = 112; // Primary skill to others.
Config.AttackSkill[4] = 113; // Primary aura to others.
Config.AttackSkill[5] = 112; // Secondary skill if monster is immune to primary.
Config.AttackSkill[6] = 113; // Secondary aura.

Config.CustomAttack = {
    //"Monster Name": [-1, -1]
    "Achmel the Cursed": [97,122],
    "Unraveler": [97,122],
    "Izual": [97,122],
    "Lilith": [97,122],
    "Diablo": [97,122],
    "Mephisto": [97,122],
    "Baal": [97,122]

Config.BossPriority = true; // Set to true to attack Unique/SuperUnique monsters first when clearing
Config.ClearType = 0xF; // Monster spectype to kill in level clear scripts (ie. Mausoleum). 0xF = skip normal, 0x7 = champions/bosses, 0 = all
Config.TeleStomp = false;

Any help would be appreciated, i just want my bot to lock on to Lilith and not tele away then back.

Here is the OrgTorch script, pretty sure its untouched:

// Do mini ubers or Tristram based on area we're already in this.pandemoniumRun = function () { var i, findLoc, skillBackup;

    switch (me.area) {
    case 133: // Matron's Den
        Pather.moveToPreset(133, 2, 397, 2, 2);

    case 134: // Forgotten Sands

        findLoc = [20196, 8694, 20308, 8588, 20187, 8639, 20100, 8550, 20103, 8688, 20144, 8709, 20263, 8811, 20247, 8665];

        for (i = 0; i < findLoc.length; i += 2) {
            Pather.moveTo(findLoc[i], findLoc[i + 1]);

            if (getUnit(1, 708)) {


    case 135: // Furnace of Pain
        Pather.moveToPreset(135, 2, 397, 2, 2);

fabio1999ita commented 5 years ago
    Config.AttackSkill[0] = -1; // Preattack skill. Not implemented yet.
    Config.AttackSkill[1] = 97; // Primary skill to bosses.
    Config.AttackSkill[2] = 122; // Primary aura to bosses
    Config.AttackSkill[3] = 97; // Primary skill to others.
    Config.AttackSkill[4] = 122; // Primary aura to others.
    Config.AttackSkill[5] = -1; // Secondary skill if monster is immune to primary.
    Config.AttackSkill[6] = -1; // Secondary aura.

BossPriority = false;

no custom config and it works good

croboy commented 5 years ago
  Config.AttackSkill[0] = -1; // Preattack skill. Not implemented yet.
  Config.AttackSkill[1] = 97; // Primary skill to bosses.
  Config.AttackSkill[2] = 122; // Primary aura to bosses
  Config.AttackSkill[3] = 97; // Primary skill to others.
  Config.AttackSkill[4] = 122; // Primary aura to others.
  Config.AttackSkill[5] = -1; // Secondary skill if monster is immune to primary.
  Config.AttackSkill[6] = -1; // Secondary aura.

BossPriority = false;

no custom config and it works good

I haven't tried that yet, but then the rest of my runs, the bot will be using Smite instead of Hammers. This is a MF bot, and it also does Ubers. So i wont be able to do Chaos/Baal when my bots primary attack is Smite/Fanaticism.

I could edit Paladin.js and do something like

if(me.areaid == "108" && me.getSkill(112, 1) && me.getSkill(113, 1)) { attackSkill = 112; aura = 113; }

So that if the bot is in chaos sanctuary, he uses hammers and concentration? Would that work?

Jestah66 commented 4 years ago

@croboy I know this is an old-ish thread but make sure dodge is disabled. What you describe sounds like me before I disabled dodge.

croboy commented 4 years ago

@croboy I know this is an old-ish thread but make sure dodge is disabled. What you describe sounds like me before I disabled dodge.

Hey buddy.

I can't remember what I did back then, but I got it working.

My Pally bot was doing mf runs, and also collecting keys, then would do ubers and get a torch and mule it off. Was bad ass. Might do it again this ladder, my new pally is strong enough now.

Alexflu commented 3 years ago

sorry to revive a dead post but for future references you can replace the :true for each script to change any amount of settings so you could use something like this Scripts.Diablo = {CustomAttack: {"Diablo": [97, 125]}, AttackSkill[1]: 112, AttackSkill[2]: 113}; or vice versa enabling only this for orgtorch which was more ideal for me. Scripts.OrgTorch = {AttackSkill[1]: 97, AttackSkill[2]: 122, CustomAttack: {"Mephisto": [97, 125]}};