kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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New "kill only Diablo" script #2148

Open Evilpino opened 4 years ago

Evilpino commented 4 years ago


i have some problems finding some script to do diablo quickly.

below i descripe my situation.

leaderbot creates game and doing baal run follower joins the game and clear chaos sanctuarium without killing diablo then he stayed in town for 5 min. so far everything right for me. now i need to find a script to let leaderbot (after finishing baal) take followers tp and kill diablo without looking for seals.

does anyone has already a funtional script or can maybe help me?

gtoilet commented 4 years ago

Should work

` /**

function DiabloHelper2() {

Town.goToTown(4); Pather.usePortal(108) Attack.kill(243); // Diablo Pickit.pickItems();

return true;



Evilpino commented 4 years ago


where should i put this script in? DiabloHelpers.js or just put the script into main char config?

do i also need to delete out something from diablo helper.js?

gtoilet commented 4 years ago

You can copy your helper.js rename it helper2.js paste mine and put helper2.js in config of Diablo killer

Evilpino commented 4 years ago

After few corrections, there are still some errors in script. It tells me that target was not found. but in fact, my char didnt use the tp. is (103) necessary? or can i leave ( ).

gtoilet commented 4 years ago

Sorry fixed area

108 is cs

Evilpino commented 4 years ago

still not work, same problem with portal, are there any stats important to pather.useportal? i also found Pather.usePortal(null, null, portal); cmd.

btw in my case is that leader taking the follower tp.

gtoilet commented 4 years ago

Weird it should work try



Pather.usePortal(108, null);

Evilpino commented 4 years ago

is there a command where my main char first need to go to tp spot?

Evilpino commented 4 years ago

like Pather.moveTo(7788, 5292); then Pather.usePortal(108)

Evilpino commented 4 years ago

function DiabloHelper() {

    Pather.usePortal(108, null);
    Pather.moveTo(7788, 5292);
    Attack.kill(243); // Diablo

return true;

Evilpino commented 4 years ago

finally it works:)

Evilpino commented 4 years ago

thank you bro.