Open Tekmat opened 4 years ago
I dont know how to include that on the map view, and I'm not sure that is even included in kolbot yet, but you might want to use D2Bot.printToConsole(Number(me.gameserverip.split(".")[3])); to print it into the loader comsole, or print(Number(me.gameserverip.split(".")[3])); to have the information in the ingame console (which you can open with the 'home' key) at least then they won't disappear again
i use this function works great, It put's the ip of the game over your head in game and counts the seconds down if your not in the right ip game then moves to next. Not my code but want to give a shout out to the person that coded it. function IPHunter() { let ip = Number(me.gameserverip.split(".")[3]);
if (Config.IPHunter.IPList.indexOf(ip) > -1) {
D2Bot.printToConsole("IPHunter: IP found! - [" + ip + "] Game is : " + me.gamename + "//" + me.gamepassword, 7);
print("IP found! - [" + ip + "] Game is : " + me.gamename + "//" + me.gamepassword);
me.overhead(":D IP found! - [" + ip + "]");
me.maxgametime = 0;
for (let i = 12; i > 0; i -= 1) {
me.overhead(":D IP found! - [" + ip + "]" + (i - 1) + " beep left");
beep(); // works if windows sounds are enabled
while (true) {
/* // If you want beeping at every movement
for (let i = 12; i != 0; i -= 1) {
me.overhead(":D IP found! - [" + ip + "]" + (i-1) + " beep left");
beep(); // works if windows sounds are enabled
me.overhead(":D IP found! - [" + ip + "]");
try {
} catch (e) {
// ensure it doesnt leave game by failing to walk due to desyncing.
for (let i = (12 * 60); i > 0; i -= 1) {
me.overhead(":D IP found! - [" + ip + "] Next movement in: " + i + " sec.");
for (let i = (Config.IPHunter.GameLength * 60); i > 0; i -= 1) {
me.overhead("ip [" + (ip) + "] ng: " + i + " sec");
D2Bot.printToConsole("IPHunter: IP was [" + ip + "]", 10);
return true;
How would i go about printing the ip number of a game on the diablo2 screen on the top right hand side of the screen, Something like when you use D2BotMap.dbj how it shows up on the top right side of the screen. Have been looking for the function that does it but to no avail. I can get it to print above my head using
var ip = Number(me.gameserverip.split(".")[3]); me.overhead(ip);
when i enter the game it shows it then goes away. But would like it to show up on the main screen on the top right side. Using this for IpHunter would make it alott easier seeing the Ip game i'm in. Thanks