kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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AutoMule Issue #2420

Open Kbp22810 opened 4 years ago

Kbp22810 commented 4 years ago

Automule works perfect if I override triger with the Numeric 5 on the keypad. However, it won't start the automule script unless I force it with pressing the 5 key. Anyone know why it is not triggering? Is their a line of code in the char config that I am missing or does it all come from the Automule script?

Basically, the automule never triggers unless I manually override it, but once the script begins to run, it works flawlessly.

var AutoMule = { Mules: { "Mule1": { muleProfile: "D2RUNNER4", // The name of mule profile in d2bot#. It will be started and stopped when needed. accountPrefix: "d2run-", // Account prefix. Numbers added automatically when making accounts. accountPassword: "", // Account password. charPrefix: "dmillis", // Character prefix. Suffix added automatically when making characters. realm: "useast", // Available options: "useast", "uswest", "europe", "asia" expansion: true, ladder: true, hardcore: false, charsPerAcc: 8, // Maximum number of mules to create per account (between 1 to 18)

        // Game name and password of the mule game. Never use the same game name as for mule logger.
        muleGameName: ["kilo", "zz"], // ["gamename", "password"]

        // List of profiles that will mule items. Example: enabledProfiles: ["D2RUNNER2", "D2RUNNER3"],
        enabledProfiles: ["D2RUNNER2", "D2RUNNER3"],

        // Stop a profile prior to muling. Useful when running 8 bots without proxies.
        stopProfile: "",
        stopProfileKeyRelease: false, // true = stopProfile key will get released on stop. useful when using 100% of your keys for botting.

        // Trigger muling at the end of a game if used space in stash and inventory is equal to or more than given percent.
        usedStashTrigger: 50,
        usedInventoryTrigger: 80,

        // Mule items that have been stashed at some point but are no longer in pickit.
        muleOrphans: true

/** Torch/Anni mules
    - Torch is muled in OrgTorch script after finishing uber Tristram successfully or when starting OrgTorch script with a Torch already on the character.
    - Anni is muled after successfully killing Diablo in Palace Cellar level 3 using Config.KillDclone option or KillDClone script.
        If a profile is listed in Torch/Anni mule's enabledProfiles list, it will also do a check to mule Anni at the end of each game.
        Anni that is in locked inventory slot will not be muled.

    * Each mule will hold either a Torch or an Anni, but not both. As soon as the current mule has either one, a new one will be created.
TorchAnniMules: {
    "Mule1":  {
        muleProfile: "",  // The name of mule profile in d2bot#. It will be started and stopped when needed.
        accountPrefix: "",  // Account prefix. Numbers added automatically when making accounts.
        accountPassword: "",  // Account password.
        charPrefix: "",  // Character prefix. Suffix added automatically when making characters.
        realm: "", // Available options: "useast", "uswest", "europe", "asia"
        expansion: true,
        ladder: true,
        hardcore: false,
        charsPerAcc: 8, // Maximum number of mules to create per account (between 1 to 18)

        // Game name and password of the mule game. Never use the same game name as for mule logger.
        muleGameName: ["", ""], // ["gamename", "password"]

        // List of profiles that will mule items. Example: enabledProfiles: ["profile 1", "profile 2"],
        enabledProfiles: [""],

        // Stop a profile prior to muling. Useful when running 8 bots without proxies.
        stopProfile: ""

//########################################################################################## },

inGame: false,
check: false,
torchAnniCheck: false,

// *** Master functions ***
getInfo: function () {
    var i, j, info;

    for (i in this.Mules) {
        if (this.Mules.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
            for (j = 0; j < this.Mules[i].enabledProfiles.length; j += 1) {
                if (this.Mules[i].enabledProfiles[j].toLowerCase() === me.profile.toLowerCase()) {
                    if (!info) {
                        info = {};

                    info.muleInfo = this.Mules[i];

    for (i in this.TorchAnniMules) {
        if (this.TorchAnniMules.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
            for (j = 0; j < this.TorchAnniMules[i].enabledProfiles.length; j += 1) {
                if (this.TorchAnniMules[i].enabledProfiles[j].toLowerCase() === me.profile.toLowerCase()) {
                    if (!info) {
                        info = {};

                    info.torchMuleInfo = this.TorchAnniMules[i];

    return info;

muleCheck: function () {
    var i, items,
        info = this.getInfo();

    if (info && info.hasOwnProperty("muleInfo")) {
        items = this.getMuleItems();

        if (info.muleInfo.hasOwnProperty("usedStashTrigger") && info.muleInfo.hasOwnProperty("usedInventoryTrigger") &&
                Storage.Inventory.UsedSpacePercent() >= info.muleInfo.usedInventoryTrigger && Storage.Stash.UsedSpacePercent() >= info.muleInfo.usedStashTrigger &&
                    items.length > 0) {
            D2Bot.printToConsole("MuleCheck triggered!", 7);

            return true;

        for (i = 0; i < items.length; i += 1) {
            if (this.matchItem(items[i], Config.AutoMule.Trigger)) {
                D2Bot.printToConsole("MuleCheck triggered!", 7);
                return true;

    return false;

getMule: function () {
    var info;

    info = this.getInfo();

    if (info) {
        if (this.check && info.hasOwnProperty("muleInfo")) {
            return info.muleInfo;

        if (this.torchAnniCheck && info.hasOwnProperty("torchMuleInfo")) {
            return info.torchMuleInfo;

    return false;

outOfGameCheck: function () {
    if (!this.check && !this.torchAnniCheck) {
        return false;

    var i, control, muleObj,
        stopCheck = false,
        muleInfo = {status: ""},
        failCount = 0;

    muleObj = this.getMule();

    if (!muleObj) {
        return false;

    function MuleCheckEvent(mode, msg) {
        if (mode === 10) {
            muleInfo = JSON.parse(msg);

    addEventListener("copydata", MuleCheckEvent);
    D2Bot.printToConsole("Starting " + (this.torchAnniCheck === 2 ? "anni" : this.torchAnniCheck === 1 ? "torch" : "")  + " mule profile: " + muleObj.muleProfile, 7);

MainLoop: while (true) { // If nothing received our copy data start the mule profile if (!sendCopyData(null, muleObj.muleProfile, 10, JSON.stringify({profile: me.profile, mode: this.torchAnniCheck || 0}))) { // if the mule profile isn't already running and there is a profile to be stopped, stop it before starting the mule profile if (!stopCheck && muleObj.stopProfile && me.profile.toLowerCase() !== muleObj.stopProfile.toLowerCase()) { D2Bot.stop(muleObj.stopProfile, muleObj.stopProfileKeyRelease);

                stopCheck = true;

                delay(2000); // prevents cd-key in use error if using -skiptobnet on mule profile



        switch (muleInfo.status) {
        case "loading":
            if (!stopCheck && muleObj.stopProfile && me.profile.toLowerCase() !== muleObj.stopProfile.toLowerCase()) {
                D2Bot.stop(muleObj.stopProfile, muleObj.stopProfileKeyRelease);

                stopCheck = true;

            failCount += 1;

        case "busy":
        case "begin":
            D2Bot.printToConsole("Mule profile is busy.", 9);

            break MainLoop;
        case "ready":
            control = getControl(6, 652, 469, 120, 20);

            if (control) {


            this.inGame = true;
            me.blockMouse = true;

            try {
                joinGame(muleObj.muleGameName[0], muleObj.muleGameName[1]);
            } catch (joinError) {


            me.blockMouse = false;

            // Untested change 11.Feb.14.
            for (i = 0; i < 8; i += 1) {

                if (me.ingame && me.gameReady) {
                    break MainLoop;

            failCount += 1;


        if (failCount >= 60) {
            D2Bot.printToConsole("No response from mule profile.", 9);


    removeEventListener("copydata", MuleCheckEvent);

    while (me.ingame) {

    this.inGame = false;
    this.check = false;
    this.torchAnniCheck = false;

    // No response - stop mule profile
    if (failCount >= 60) {
        D2Bot.stop(muleObj.muleProfile, true);

    if (stopCheck && muleObj.stopProfile) {

    return true;

inGameCheck: function () {
    var muleObj, tick, info,
        timeout = 150 * 1000, // Ingame mule timeout
        status = "muling";

    // Single player
    if (!me.gamename) {
        return false;

    info = this.getInfo();

    // Profile is not a part of AutoMule
    if (!info) {
        return false;

    // Profile is not in mule or torch mule game
    if (!((info.hasOwnProperty("muleInfo") && me.gamename.toLowerCase() === info.muleInfo.muleGameName[0].toLowerCase()) ||
            (info.hasOwnProperty("torchMuleInfo") && me.gamename.toLowerCase() === info.torchMuleInfo.muleGameName[0].toLowerCase()))) {
        return false;

    function DropStatusEvent(mode, msg) {
        if (mode === 10) {
            switch (JSON.parse(msg).status) {
            case "report": // reply to status request
                sendCopyData(null, muleObj.muleProfile, 12, JSON.stringify({status: status}));

            case "quit": // quit command
                status = "quit";


    function MuleModeEvent(msg) {
        switch (msg) {
        case "2":
            AutoMule.torchAnniCheck = 2;

        case "1":
            AutoMule.torchAnniCheck = 1;

        case "0":
            AutoMule.check = true;


    addEventListener("copydata", DropStatusEvent);
    addEventListener("scriptmsg", MuleModeEvent);

    if (!this.check && !this.torchAnniCheck) {
        print("Error - Unable to determine mule mode");

        return false;

    muleObj = this.getMule();
    me.maxgametime = 0;

    if (!Town.goToTown(1)) {
        print("Error - Failed to go to Act 1");

        return false;

    sendCopyData(null, muleObj.muleProfile, 11, "begin");

    if (this.torchAnniCheck === 2) {
        print("ÿc4AutoMuleÿc0: In anni mule game.");
        D2Bot.updateStatus("AutoMule: In game.");
    } else if (this.torchAnniCheck === 1) {
        print("ÿc4AutoMuleÿc0: In torch mule game.");
        D2Bot.updateStatus("AutoMule: In game.");
    } else {
        print("ÿc4AutoMuleÿc0: In mule game.");
        D2Bot.updateStatus("AutoMule: In game.");

    status = "done";
    tick = getTickCount();

    while (true) {
        if (status === "quit") {

        if (getTickCount() - tick > timeout) {
            D2Bot.printToConsole("Mule didn't rejoin. Picking up items.", 9);

            Misc.useItemLog = false; // Don't log items picked back up in town.




    removeEventListener("copydata", DropStatusEvent);
    D2Bot.stop(muleObj.muleProfile, true);

    if (muleObj.stopProfile) {

    if (getScript("AnniStarter.dbj")) {


    return true;

dropStuff: function () {
    if (!Town.openStash()) {
        return false;

    var i,
        items = this.getMuleItems();

    if (!items || items.length === 0) {
        return false;

    D2Bot.printToConsole("AutoMule: Transfering items.", 7);

    for (i = 0; i < items.length; i += 1) {


    return true;

matchItem: function (item, list) {
    var i, info, parsedLine,
        parsedPickit = [], classIDs = [];

    for (i = 0; i < list.length; i += 1) {
        info = {
            file: "Character Config",
            line: list[i]

        if (typeof list[i] === "number") { // classids
        } else if (typeof list[i] === "string") { // pickit entries
            parsedLine = NTIP.ParseLineInt(list[i], info);

            if (parsedLine) {

    return (classIDs.indexOf(item.classid) > -1 || NTIP.CheckItem(item, parsedPickit));

// get a list of items to mule
getMuleItems: function () {
    var item, items,
        info = this.getInfo();

    if (!info || !info.hasOwnProperty("muleInfo")) {
        return false;

    item = me.getItem(-1, 0);
    items = [];

    if (item) {
        do {
            if (Town.ignoredItemTypes.indexOf(item.itemType) === -1 &&
                    (Pickit.checkItem(item).result > 0 || (item.location === 7 && info.muleInfo.hasOwnProperty("muleOrphans") && info.muleInfo.muleOrphans)) &&
                    item.classid !== 549 && // Don't drop Horadric Cube
                    (item.classid !== 603 || item.quality !== 7) && // Don't drop Annihilus
                    (item.classid !== 604 || item.quality !== 7) && // Don't drop Hellfire Torch
                    (item.location === 7 || (item.location === 3 && !Storage.Inventory.IsLocked(item, Config.Inventory))) && // Don't drop items in locked slots
                    ((!TorchSystem.getFarmers() && !TorchSystem.isFarmer()) || [647, 648, 649].indexOf(item.classid) === -1)) { // Don't drop Keys if part of TorchSystem
                if (this.matchItem(item, Config.AutoMule.Force.concat(Config.AutoMule.Trigger)) || // Always drop items on Force or Trigger list
                    (!this.matchItem(item, Config.AutoMule.Exclude) && (!this.cubingIngredient(item) && !this.runewordIngredient(item) && !this.utilityIngredient(item)))) { // Don't drop Excluded items or Runeword/Cubing/CraftingSystem ingredients
        } while (item.getNext());

    return items;

utilityIngredient: function (item) {
    return CraftingSystem.validGids.indexOf(item.gid) > -1;

// check if an item is a cubing ingredient
cubingIngredient: function (item) {
    var i;

    for (i = 0; i < Cubing.validIngredients.length; i += 1) {
        if (item.gid === Cubing.validIngredients[i].gid) {
            return true;

    return false;

// check if an item is a runeword ingrediend - rune, empty base or bad rolled base
runewordIngredient: function (item) {
    if (Runewords.validGids.indexOf(item.gid) > -1) {
        return true;

    if (!this.baseGids) {
        var i, base;

        this.baseGids = [];

        for (i = 0; i < Config.Runewords.length; i += 1) {
            base = Runewords.getBase(Config.Runewords[i][0], Config.Runewords[i][1], (Config.Runewords[i][2]||0)) || Runewords.getBase(Config.Runewords[i][0], Config.Runewords[i][1], (Config.Runewords[i][2]||0), true);

            if (base) {

    if (this.baseGids.indexOf(item.gid) > -1) {
        return true;

    return false;

dropCharm: function (dropAnni) {
    if (!Town.openStash()) {
        return false;

    var item;

    if (dropAnni) {
        item = me.findItem(603, 0, -1, 7);

        if (item && !Storage.Inventory.IsLocked(item, Config.Inventory)) {
            D2Bot.printToConsole("AutoMule: Transfering Anni.", 7);

            return true;

        return false;

    item = me.findItem(604, 0, -1, 7);

    if (item) {
        D2Bot.printToConsole("AutoMule: Transfering Torch.", 7);

        return true;


    return true;

// *** Mule functions ***
getMaster: function (info) {
    var i, j, k, muleObj;

    muleObj = info.mode === 1 ? this.TorchAnniMules : this.Mules;

    for (i in muleObj) {
        if (muleObj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
            for (j in muleObj[i]) {
                if (muleObj[i].hasOwnProperty(j) && j === "enabledProfiles") {
                    for (k = 0; k < muleObj[i][j].length; k += 1) {
                        if (muleObj[i][j][k].toLowerCase() === info.profile.toLowerCase()) {
                            return {
                                profile: muleObj[i][j][k],
                                mode: info.mode

    return false;

getMuleObject: function (mode, master) {
    var i, mule;

    mode = mode || 0;
    mule = mode > 0 ? this.TorchAnniMules : this.Mules;

    for (i in mule) {
        if (mule.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
            if (mule[i].muleProfile && mule[i].enabledProfiles &&
                    mule[i].muleProfile.toLowerCase() === me.profile.toLowerCase() && mule[i].enabledProfiles.indexOf(master) > -1) {
                return mule[i];

    return false;

getMuleFilename: function (mode, master) {
    var i, mule, jsonObj, jsonStr, file;

    mode = mode || 0;
    mule = mode > 0 ? this.TorchAnniMules : this.Mules;

    // Iterate through mule object
    for (i in mule) {
        if (mule.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
            // Mule profile matches config
            if (mule[i].muleProfile && mule[i].muleProfile.toLowerCase() === me.profile.toLowerCase() && mule[i].enabledProfiles.indexOf(master) > -1) {
                file = mode === 0 ? "logs/AutoMule." + i + ".json" : "logs/TorchMule." + i + ".json";

                // If file exists check for valid info
                if (FileTools.exists(file)) {
                    try {
                        jsonStr = FileTools.readText(file);
                        jsonObj = JSON.parse(jsonStr);

                        // Return filename containing correct mule info
                        if (mule[i].accountPrefix && jsonObj.account && jsonObj.account.match(mule[i].accountPrefix)) {
                            return file;
                    } catch (e) {
                } else {
                    return file;

    // File exists but doesn't contain valid info - remake

    return file;


Kbp22810 commented 4 years ago


kroken123 commented 4 years ago

Try to set:

        usedStashTrigger: 10,

Fill up the stash and inventory with stuff And wait until the run is finisihed and it should start. You also have error in your pickit..