kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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the followers do not follow the leader #2487

Open Hatmud opened 4 years ago

Hatmud commented 4 years ago

Followers don't follow the leader all the time, only before the bosses. Could followers be made to follow the leader all the time?

gtoilet commented 4 years ago

you want followers to go while leader is teleporting?

Hatmud commented 4 years ago

I want you to follow the leader always

gtoilet commented 4 years ago

run leader scripts for followers

Hatmud commented 4 years ago

You can explain it to me better. You can show me where to see the scripts?

gtoilet commented 4 years ago

char configs ... run the same scripts as the leader does for the followers then they will follow all the time not just for bosses if thats what your after

Hatmud commented 4 years ago

I could e-mail you the char config and tell me where the error is.

gtoilet commented 4 years ago

or you can create a paste bin

Hatmud commented 4 years ago

Leader char config // Sorceress config file

/* Brief instructions:

function LoadConfig() { /* Sequence config

Hatmud commented 4 years ago


/ Barbarian config file

/* Brief instructions:

function LoadConfig() { /* Sequence config

Hatmud commented 4 years ago


/* Brief instructions:

gtoilet commented 4 years ago

said pastebin.com .... is much easier to read than pasting in chat

and the first thing i see is your running autosmurf thats why they dont follow leader leader is teleporting thru their waiting on her tps

Hatmud commented 4 years ago

Leader : Sorceress.AbC

Follower: Barbarian.BcD




gtoilet commented 4 years ago

as i said your only running autosmurf.js the rest of the party will wait on the leader to give them the tp to complete quests if you want them all to follow run other scripts

Hatmud commented 4 years ago

Can you send me a well cconfigured bot to follow the leader? my e-mail is Hatmud1971@gmail.com. Thank you.

GirthBrooks12 commented 4 years ago

Bro, you gotta at least try to configure it yourself or you will never have the knowledge to fix it if something goes awry.