kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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Stashes Every crafted item, ignores pickit #2720

Open wowitsmekool opened 4 years ago

wowitsmekool commented 4 years ago

It'll still show on my manager when the item qualifies on my crafted pickit but it will literally keep EVERY item that i craft on every character. Not sure what the deal is. Ive looked over every script including pickits and cannot find a problem. Any ideas?

DarkHorseDre commented 4 years ago

note sure - if you don't get a solution please paste your char config (just 1) and the nip files listed within it to pastebin.com or similar, and paste the links to them here

wowitsmekool commented 4 years ago

Char script https://pastebin.com/j49Fw3vh

pickit https://pastebin.com/eqWSPfAK

All the backend scripts (crafting, crafting system) I copied and pasted form another untouched kolbot

DarkHorseDre commented 4 years ago

ok well I see you have over 10 nip files.

disable all but the crafted and run the bot to see if the problem is there. or, check each nip to ensure you're not accidentally keeping all crafted. (e. g. [quality] >= x; [quality] <= crafted, or where quality isn't even referenced (thus all qualities are kept)

wowitsmekool commented 4 years ago

So i changed the script to pickit everything except my crafted pickit. nothing changed, then I tried crafted pickit as my only pickit option and still no change. I ran no pickit at all and same thing. All crafted item are ignoring all pickits. Like i said itll show on my manage when something meets the pickit requirements but will literally keep everything that i craft. Itll make the item put it into my inv then reopen stash and place into stash.

DarkHorseDre commented 4 years ago

when you mouse over the manager "kept" entry, it should show the pickit line that matched. what does it say? you will also see the pickit name and line in the i game console. also check itemlog.txt

wowitsmekool commented 4 years ago

Itll just show the line that it matches when its supposed to be picked by pickit. the ones that it keeps that it shouldn't doesn't get logged on anything. not on itemlog or manager. They just keep them in stash and mule it when they mule. its the oddest thing.

wowitsmekool commented 4 years ago

Another note, that if I manually put the crafted item into my inventory from the stash the char will then sell it.

DarkHorseDre commented 4 years ago

what is 'Config.Crafted'?

wowitsmekool commented 4 years ago

I put that to see if anything would show up when they would hold crafted items, it didtn work. I removed it and its still keeping garbage.I also tried a brand new kolbot but i copy pasted char configs and pickits and still same issue. tomorrow I will have time to do a complete new kolbot again but I will manually configure char and will slowly add in pickits to see if I can find the issue.

wowitsmekool commented 4 years ago

literally created 2 new kolbots haven't changed anything other then char configs which I manually setup and still keeping every crafted item O.o Im about to give up.....



DarkHorseDre commented 4 years ago

That was the next thing I would suggest - new koltons.

as you have added the char config and pickits, it must be one of the things you are adding to vanilla kolton.
I'll be honest I have not read every line of your pickits.. but something must be wrong. I checked the crafted pickit for the 7fcr amu you kept, but no dice. not to say another pickit isn't causing the issue as I said before (the only difference is class - if you specify class incorrectly you'll accidentally grab other items)

This issue is kinda weird as it should be quicker to isolate the issue. but then youve got to narrow down to the root cause, and I'm not seeing that:

https://i.imgur.com/HVgzQfF.png - i see the result doesn't appear in itemlog.txt - have you configured Config.ItemInfo?

Config.ItemInfo = true; // Log stashed, skipped (due to no space) or sold items.
Config.ItemInfoQuality = [8]; // The quality of sold items to log. See NTItemAlias.dbl for values. Example: Config.ItemInfoQuality = [6, 7, 8];

both lines are unset in the config you shared. that said, you wont find the pickit lines in itemlog.txt IIRC, but you should be logging if you have issues, at least to help identify when things happen.

https://imgur.com/Oo6GTXa - what you need is to find the pickit rule that is being fired to capture this.

Now you know that it shows in console, so all you have to do is output to the manager window/text file to try and find the cause. IIRC once it is included in iteminfo it appears in the log window, and you get an image and it shows the nip line. if not, you can use a line to out details of the crafted line to the manager window so you can catch it when you return:

D2Bot.printToConsole(string, 5);

where 5 is a colour code and string is like what you can put in print() eg.

D2Bot.printToConsole("crafted item is: "+ item, 5);

If you still get no useful info after enabling iteminfo, have a look at pickit.js as thats where the cubing and kept lines are written

oh and are you getting your code from the new home for kolbot? https://github.com/blizzhackers/kolbot

wowitsmekool commented 4 years ago

as you have added the char config and pickits, it must be one of the things you are adding to vanilla kolton.

I created a new latest kolbot already and left everything as is including pickit twice, I only changed char config and was it was still happening. I was accidentally using kolbot master instead of trunk. but after the change still same issue.

i see the result doesn't appear in itemlog.txt - have you configured Config.ItemInfo?

Yes i already configured it for some but not all char, i will config for all now. I have updated info quality now to see if that will help.

DarkHorseDre commented 4 years ago

Master is the main branch.

You didnt answer - are you getting it from the link I shared or from this github?

i will config for all now Welp, without that quality level indicator including "8", you wont see crafted info

you also need to trace as I explained (or otherwise) else youre not gonna find the issue/find it slowly.

wowitsmekool commented 4 years ago

Made every change requested and nothing changed. I downloaded from your link still no change. 8 for item quality doesn't do anything. I also put 6 and 7 and still nothing. Idk if this matters but when I svn checkout I only get 767 files executed maybe I'm missing something there? It's got to be an issue with my installation or something if it happens on a fresh kolbot with nothing from old scripts.

This is the closest i can get to a log on the crafting.


wowitsmekool commented 4 years ago


Video shows what happens.

2nd video I placed item on ground to see if he would keep. I tested with my sorc earlier with open pickit and she picked it up and kept it once it was on the ground (it did not log on manager when she crafted it even with open pickit). Didnt happen with my hammerdin the char just picked it up and sold it didnt log either and I still had open pickit.


[type] == amulet && [quality] == crafted # [itemaddclassskills] == 0 && [fcr] > 0 [type] == ring && [quality] == crafted # [fcr] == 0 && [maxhp] >= 0 && [strength] >= 0

DarkHorseDre commented 4 years ago

It's got to be an issue with my installation or something if it happens on a fresh kolbot with nothing from old scripts. you're using the same pickits tho right? nobody else has this issue with the latest (Blizzhackers gh) kolton, using standard pickits.

if you use a fresh kolbot and add a single simple line for your crafted amu, it wont keep one that doesnt match.

I've not seen you answer what I repeat about your many pickits. You havent shown that they aren't causing an issue or have you?

This is the closest i can get to a log on the crafting. that linked image is d2bs log not itemlog.txt

8 for item quality doesn't do anything Not yet, maybe. but you need to start with the settings that could help narrow this down - now you have them..

Your videos ask me to login, but I don't need them anyway - its really simple: default and latest kolton with a single NEW pickit with ONE line in (e.g. [type] == amulet && [quality] == crafted # [fcr] > 10 should show the bot drop and also keep some items WITHOUT using anything from the previous install (profiles, pickits etc. PROPER isolation is what you should be aiming for) if (When) you see that it operates correctly, you will then have to question and LOOK at your other pickits.

Made every change requested and nothing changed did you make the suggested d2bot.printtoconsole change?

[type] == amulet && [quality] == crafted # [itemaddclassskills] == 0 && [fcr] > 0 [type] == ring && [quality] == crafted # [fcr] == 0 && [maxhp] >= 0 && [strength] >= 0

Why did you just type these lines? I dont understand?? looking at them, seems they will keep every crafted and ring.. there are easier ways to prove this, but then this is the problem you have. surely you want to see it drop items that dont match?

Didnt happen with my hammerdin assuming your hammerdin and sorc both have a NEW config, with the crafted amulet recipe enabled, and the SAME pickit, it should act the same. something tells me you're not doing this?

DarkHorseDre commented 4 years ago

just to remove all doubt and further distraction, I tested this and it works as expected.

  1. added this line to my pickit [type] == amulet && [quality] == crafted # [fcr] >= 15 - drops all caster amus with less than 15 fcr, which will be most
  2. enabled caster amu recipe in char config
  3. used hero editor to place mats in stash to speed things up
  4. ran the bot - it crafted 3 amus - 2 it dropped 'cos fcr didn't match, and 1 it kept. the kept line appeared in itemlog.txt and manager window as per standard functionality.

You need to look at what you have changed - the char config (unlikely to be a problem) and pickits. thats it.

wowitsmekool commented 4 years ago

You have to watch the videos to understand.

This is the closest i can get to a log on the crafting.

that linked image is d2bs log not itemlog.txt

That link was showing both. item log is in the background.

I already did what your asking about 5 times. Fresh kolbot literally change nothing except the basics on char config and enabled crafting. Used default kolten script and still does the exact same thing.

I added the open script later to see if the crafted items would show on manager and it worked but then ofc I would keep everything. I forgot I later removed the 2 open scripts to have a more strict script on the hammerdin pickit and its back to stashing everything and not logging it. That what's the videos for. You need to see them.

If it was a simple solution I wouldn't be on here.

did you make the suggested d2bot.printtoconsole change? where is this? I changed manager

// Additional item info log settings. All info goes to \logs\ItemLog.txt
Config.ItemInfo = true; // Log stashed, skipped (due to no space) or sold items.
Config.ItemInfoQuality = [8]; // The quality of sold items to log. See NTItemAlias.dbl for values. Example: Config.ItemInfoQuality = [6, 7, 8];

i also removed "5" on pickit file which i think is crafted.

var Pickit = { gidList: [], beltSize: 1, ignoreLog: [4, 6, 22, 41, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81], // Ignored item types for item logging

Your videos ask me to login, but I don't need them anyway - its really simple: default and latest kolton with a single NEW pickit with ONE line in (e.g. [type] == amulet && [quality] == crafted # [fcr] > 10 should show the bot drop and also keep some items WITHOUT using anything from the previous install

I will try this later. But based on everything I've already done I'm pretty sure this will not work.

wowitsmekool commented 4 years ago

Okay so I made a new kolbot again and the only script i have attached is

[type] == amulet && [quality] == crafted # [fcr] > 10

and it finally dropped one. I will slowly start adding stuff to see where the problem lies.

its somewhere in my char config, as soon as i copy pasted an old one it went back to stashing it. reverted to old and will adding stuff.

Thanks for the help. Now maybe you can help me find out why battle.net wont let me log in with more than 8 bots on the same ip :p

SOLVED !!! this is the culprit that was screwing everything up on my char config files.

Config.LowGold = 2400000

DarkHorseDre commented 4 years ago

welp if you did that from when i first said it you woulda saved us both a lot of time ;)

also lowgold is not default (you can check the default config files), so you must've added that and cocked it up somehow - like i said: be specific and meticulous when troubleshooting and you'll solve it quickly!