kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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team mf issues? syntex error? #298

Open redrum999 opened 7 years ago

redrum999 commented 7 years ago

I'm using leader and leeching script

I did have my sorc running solo MF and it was working fine until I try to edit it to team mf with my barb.

Now I get syntex errors doing so

I also edited leecher to join "sorc" as leader profile games, but it doesn't join them? It just sits at join game screen?

https://ibb.co/dZqLgG is a screenshot.

Join game settings Format: "Sorc": ["leecher 1 profile", "leecher 2 profile", ...] If you want everyone to join the same leader, use "leader's profile": ["all"] NOTE: Use PROFILE names (profile matches window title), NOT character/account names leader:leecher groups need to be divided by a comma example: var JoinSettings = { "lead1": ["follow1", "follow2"], "lead2": ["follow3", "follow4"] };

boddhisatra commented 7 years ago

A few suggestions for you. If you are getting a char config error (as that screen shot even points you towards the line # of your syntax error), pastebin your char config in order to receive help. If your team isn't joining each other, you made a mistake in the entry point of your leecher. Again, you need to pastebin what you've done so far in order to get help.

These boards are intended for requesting help improving the code and pointing out errors that the coders will then address. If you need help getting through the learning curve of setting up kolbot, I would recommend joining the Project Etal discord to get feedback. There's several users on this discord willing to give feedback on working with Kolbot. Otherwise you are swamping the coders on this board with your posts.

redrum999 commented 7 years ago

i'm new, so sorry ... i definitely need some help and i really appreciate any can get

im setting these bots up for classic [non xpaansion] d2

sorcs file : https://pastebin.com/nPKWnJtp

i copied a team mf classic barb script from bh and im not getting no syntex error anymore ..here it is

barb : https://pastebin.com/vGsbY07L

here's barb follower script thats not joining the sorc, says use the actual profile name

my kolbot sorc profile is named Sorc when creating the profile ..

d2bot follow script : https://pastebin.com/bP5Xu4YQ

thanks a lot for any help! i have a chant bot running successfuly on an edited script i saw on bh.

just wanting cs botting sorc/barb/din but wanting barb sorc setup first.