kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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Issue with D2BotChannel.dbj #2985

Open 1Mrv opened 3 years ago

1Mrv commented 3 years ago


after x amount of runs, the bot will stop joining the games and just sits in the channel.

This is how i set it up in D2BotChannel.dbj:

var StarterConfig = {
    JoinChannel: "op d2station", // Name of the channel to join
    FirstJoinMessage: "", // Message to say when first joining a channel, usually ".login"
    ChatActionsDelay: 2, // Seconds to wait in lobby before entering a channel

    // D2BotChannel settings
    Games: ["xBaal1-"], // List of games to look for. Example: Games: ["some baal-", "chaos run-"],
    Passwords: [""], // List of game passwords. Each array in Games array should have a matching element in Passwords. Use "" for blank pw.
    JoinDelay: 13, // Seconds to wait between announcement and clicking join

and then in my config i have

Config.Leader = "DIIStationP-C"; // Leader's ingame character name. Leave blank to try auto-detection (works in AutoBaal, Wakka, MFHelper)

Config.PublicMode = 2; // 1 = invite and accept, 2 = accept only, 3 = invite only, 0 = disable.

Scripts.AutoBaal = true; // Baal leecher with auto leader assignment Config.AutoBaal.FindShrine = false; // false = disabled, 1 = search after hot tp message, 2 = search as soon as leader is found Config.AutoBaal.LeechSpot = [15092, 5010]; // X, Y coords of Throne Room leech spot Config.AutoBaal.LongRangeSupport = false; // Cast long distance skills from a safe spot

Is there a way to resolve this problem?

minuteMed95 commented 3 years ago

Hey i saw your runs ingame ^^

can you provide some debuging informations or something to help us help you ?

because out of the blue, our config seems right so we don't have any informations that could lead to find your issue.

for example in the console manager, do you have any error output ? or in the ingame debug console ? any output ?

Also have you tried debugging ? you could go to the code that do game join and find if the bot find the game info and if/why if doesn't find it.