kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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MultiRushin question! Possibile? #3040

Open DS1337 opened 3 years ago

DS1337 commented 3 years ago


About my question/problem (Topic is not pushing to top, so i write new one):


My Question:

how to setup more "Rushee´s" in 1 game? Or I have to rush only 1 char every time? ( I know, it is not take so much time...) But why i asking about this? Because this confusing me:

    Config.Rusher.WaitPlayerCount = 0; // Wait until game has a certain number of players (0 - don't wait, 8 - wait for full game).

So, u can rush more then 1 Char, right?


My Light Sorce = Rusher Pala 1 = Rushee Pala 2 = Rushee Pala 3 = Rushee

When i set:

Scripts.Rushee = true;

on every Char/Profil, then every pala create his own game, or not?! How can i set it up like this:

Pala 1 = Rushee - creating normal fresh game with all needed quests. Pala 2 = Rushee - join the game from Pala 1 Pala 3 = Rushee - join the game from Pala 1 Sorc = Rusher - Rusing all 3 Chars in the same game @ the same time...

Is this possibile?

I am confused and i dont know how to do this...

gtoilet commented 3 years ago

yea set all as rushee set bot profile entrypoint as follower to follow leader should work as last i used auto afk rush

DS1337 commented 3 years ago

Ok, so I put all 2-3 characters that should be leveled on "Follower" instead of leader, right? And just set "Rushee" to true in the Char-Config. And I also have to set my "Leader (Rusher)" in the Char-Config. So to say just a 1 to 1 copy of my current Rushee, just set the entry point in the manager to "Follower" instead of leader.

Do the characters also listen to the ingame commands from the rusher?

Thank you for your feedback, I'll try it out the days and give you feedback.

And what is the "auto afk rush"? Does that work better? I don't see that in the Char-Config. Or is that an extra script that you have to insert?

gtoilet commented 3 years ago

1 rushee needs to be leader to make the game others need follower to follow that leader game same with rusher she will follow that leader game

rusher/rushee = auto afk rush

DS1337 commented 3 years ago

Ok, i tested it, but it is NOT working fine...

The first an main problem ist Act 2 Duriel... All 3 Rushees try to pick up staff and amulet (Not working correctly...idk why) 1 Got Staff, 1 got a amulet, and the other got nothing lol. After i do a "reload" in console, they do the cube+staf+Amu run again and pick up the other stuff then... (Still 2 Rushee´s not got all items...)

Then...they cant "craft" the staff and the second problem is, IF 1 Rushee got the staff, they all 3 Rushee´s try to put the staff in Orifice to open @ Duriel... So Script are confused and buggy AF :-D

Act 3:

The Rushee´s got confussed too @ Lamesen Quest, because everybody try to pickup the book, but there is only 1 book on the ground and the other 2 Rushee´s just keep chilling there and searching for the book... So u have to manual click on the TP to go back to town.

Act 4

Diablo got some problems too, because the rusher is not moving after killed Diablo and after type "2". He idle/chill @ Sanctury (Rushee´s @ town @ this time)

So, u have to create a NG to analyse the actual stats from the Rushees and going to Act 5.

Act 5

Then Anya got little problems too, because everyone try to talk to Malah and try to unfreez anya. But this one is the last one to do, so not so important if its not working fine...u just have to click 2-3 times and go back to town and the rush is done...

But ya, this all was my problems.

The idea is nice, but not working fine with more then 1 Rushee´s! So we better need to rush 1 by 1, and not all in the same time! :-/