kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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exits game after 15 seconds for some reason, lookin for help #3144

Closed Noobiestness closed 2 years ago

Noobiestness commented 2 years ago

guessing i meesed something up. any1 know what the issue is?

// Sorceress config file

/* Brief instructions:

function LoadConfig() { /* Sequence config

dabulljkwon331 commented 2 years ago

in this section of the code

// General config Config.AutoMap = true; // Set to true to open automap at the beginning of the game. Config.LastMessage = ""; // Message or array of messages to say at the end of the run. Use $nextgame to say next game - "Next game: $nextgame" (works with lead entry point) Config.MinGameTime = 60; // Min game time in seconds. Bot will TP to town and stay in game if the run is completed before. Config.MaxGameTime = 30; // Maximum game time in seconds. Quit game when limit is reached. Config.TeleSwitch = false; // Switch to secondary (non-primary) slot when teleporting more than 5 nodes. Config.OpenChests = true; // Open chests. Controls key buying. Config.MiniShopBot = true; // Scan items in NPC shops. Config.PacketShopping = false; // Use packets to shop. Improves shopping speed. Config.TownCheck = true; // Go to town if out of potions Config.LogExperience = false; // Print experience statistics in the manager. Config.PingQuit = [{Ping: 99999, Duration: 99999}]; // Quit if ping is over the given value for over the given time period in seconds.

CHANGE config.maxgametime = 30 to 0

not totally sure this will fix it but it would make sense its logging out if your max game time in seconds is 30.