kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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Barbarian teleswitch #3156

Open ilykere opened 2 years ago

ilykere commented 2 years ago

I am having issue with Barbarian. I have been wondering why my Barbarian has 20 chickens while other bots have 0 and I found the reason for it but I have no idea how to fix it. Here is what usually happens:

  1. Barbarian switches to double Wizardspike for teleporting
  2. He teleports into mana burn, gets hit many times and chickens out
  3. He creates new game after chicken while still wearing Wizardspike
  4. Wizardspike is now his "main weapon" and he switches to Grief for teleporting
  5. He tries to kill enemies with Wizardspikes and keeps chickening out because he cant kill anything

Does anyone know how to fix this? Maybe if I add some kind of config telling which is main weapon, I or II?

`Config.TeleSwitch = true; // Switch to slot II when teleporting more than 1 node.`

Maybe changing this to more informative can help?

Will it help if I do this or will it just mess up more?

    // MF Switch
    Config.MFSwitchPercent = 100; // Boss life % to switch weapons at. Set to 0 to disable.
    Config.MFSwitch = 0; // MF weapon slot: 0 = slot I, 1 = slot II
DarkHorseDre commented 2 years ago

MF switch is used when killing boss targets, not for teleporting.

Config.TeleSwitch = true; // Switch to secondary (non-primary) slot when teleporting more than 5 nodes.