kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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2nd Follower didnt join #609

Open Cirox1992 opened 6 years ago

Cirox1992 commented 6 years ago

Today i started a new acc with anotherr sorc to wakka in Chaosruns. Ich copy paste the Botlead of my first sorc. In Botfollow i changed the Join Settings to 2Main": ["all"] but the new account didnt join game an stand in the menu.

What is going wrong? There are no issues in console.

DarkHorseDre commented 6 years ago

Hey, I didnt understand everything you wrote - please paste your lead and follow to pastebin.com and link here if the following doesnt help.

I assume all bots are running on same pc.

1) what do you mean by "copy and paste the botlead"? you dont need to do any copying - just have the 2nd follower use the follow entry script and it will use the same settings.

2) You may need to add new bot to friends list of leader, and vice versa

3) Syntax for D2BotFollow.dbj: var JoinSettings = { "case sensitive name of leader character name": ["all"] };

Let us know how you get on

Cirox1992 commented 6 years ago

Here is the Pastebin un want. Leader Sorc: https://pastebin.com/RYSMg40L Follower.dbj: https://pastebin.com/XjEjhxkP Follow1&2: https://pastebin.com/3HvsMm0E

I copy paste the Follower 1 & 2 because they are both Sorcress and have to follow my lead in MFHelper or Wakka if i run Chaos.

But only one join the game and the second stand in Gamemenu.

Everything is on the same PC.

i hope this time you know what i mean.

DarkHorseDre commented 6 years ago

Have you set both followers to use same entry (follower dbj) script? I can see you intend this, but check just incase if you haven't already!

ive just had a look at follow entry and top of follower js and will stop with these spots: 1) in follow dbj - var JoinSettings = { "Main": ["all"] }; leader name needs to be present -as per my first post-. you have config leader = Ciroxa so if that is the leader name, that goes here too 2) also add a unique channel for them to join (and the lead dbj) so you at least see them coordinating to that point.

if the problem still isn't fixed: 3) please tell us what the console output is for follower stuck in channel. should say something about game detected and other stuff.

I would also add each bot to each friends list.

I understand that one bot joins and the other doesn't with same setup so it should work - honestly I don't have an idea why one would stay in channel. only happened to me when: a) bot was using wrong entry script b) bot didn't have leader set in follower dbj c) some weirdness with friends list (i think games can be picked up via friends list when using channel entry - cant remember)

DarkHorseDre commented 6 years ago

Also, if you have problems with partying, set Config.PublicMode to 2 for followers, and to 1 for leader. happened to me..

Cirox1992 commented 6 years ago

The Problem is still exist :(

Console :

D2BS# Started Console D2BS# Startup Complete! D2BS# Switched to Profile drei D2BS# BotFollow.dbj running. Received Game Info Heartbeat loaded

Thats all. Channel ist joined and Friedlist ist also done. If i join the game manuell the bot is running but no chance to join the games. I try this

in follow dbj - var JoinSettings = { "Main": ["drei"] };

but didnt work.

Same Problem if i delete the Profile and create an new one.

DarkHorseDre commented 6 years ago

bro I wrote twice what you need to enter for joinSettings - but you're still writing the wrong thing,

to be clear: "Main": ["drei"] = wrong

check all of what I told you before.

Cirox1992 commented 6 years ago

sry missed the thing that i changed to "ciroxa": ["drei"]

its changed but same problem

DarkHorseDre commented 6 years ago

you missed it again bro - re read my posts

Cirox1992 commented 6 years ago

Okay Ty bro its done. Sry my english is not so good and thats why i missed something. But now it´s works well.

vaskogz commented 5 years ago

plz can u help me ....i have 3 keys ...1 key used for leader and with soso champ config ...2 key working as bo barb ...but i want a second soso ...and i used follow and he replicate what leader doing ...but i want this sorc to do another thing ...and the problem is my first (leader soso ) is cold :) and this one want to be light ...but i have 1x sorcerer champ config ...i can coppy but how to activate? in kolbot this created soso conf with light attacks? thx for answer :) .. and i tryid so much times ...i have another computer to and i installed the d2 with light sorc and used channel he sit in channel dont follow can u help? :)

outlawimmortal commented 4 years ago

so ive read through this several times, i cannot figure out why one of my leechers wont follow. it happens to be a barbarian and for some reason he just sits in the channel and does nothing. I tried pulling up the log thing on screen when you hit "+" in game but nothing comes up when you are sitting in the channel.... this is how i have my joingame set up... not sure what is wrong here.... BigDswinginDiRT is who has the issue... the name is spelled and written exactly how the character has it in game... i dont know...

var JoinSettings = { "Basedx": ["Ghettodin", "BigDswinginDiRT"] };

based is my lead... the other two me leechers... Ghettodin has had zero problems... but i cannot get BigD to follow... even with the entry set to botfollow... it joins channel, clicks on the join game, but doesnt write or do anything... is there something in the character script itself? i have the leader set?

theodor77 commented 4 years ago

Jesus im so mad . i can't understand what i do wrong and the follower not login on leader game . I chek it 20-30 times and all look good .

leader Cortana : // If Config.Leader is set, the bot will only accept invites from leader. If Config.PublicMode is not 0, Baal and Diablo script will open Town Portals. Config.PublicMode = 1; // 1 = invite and accept, 2 = accept only, 3 = invite only, 0 = disable

follower Thundera : Config.Leader = "Cortana"; // Leader's ingame character name. Leave blank to try auto-detection (works in AutoBaal, Wakka, MFHelper) Config.QuitList = ["Cortana"]; // List of character names to quit with. Example: Config.QuitList = ["MySorc", "MyDin"]; Config.QuitListMode = 0; // 0 = use character names; 1 = use profile names (all profiles must run on the same computer).

var JoinSettings = { "lead1": ["follow1", "follow2"], "lead2": ["follow3", "follow4"] }; */

var JoinSettings = { "Cortana": ["Thundera"]

the process I do is : 1) i open first Cortanas client (as a D2 botleader ) and the character start farming normaly 2) I open second Thunderas client (as a follower) , the character login on the client but stay on sellect games screen . the commad say this : D2BS# Started Console D2BS# Startup Complete! D2BS# Switched to Profile drei D2BS# BotFollow.dbj running. Received Game Info Heartbeat loaded

i was already add on friend list each other character

Thanx for any help or any advice guys !

Divisi0ns commented 3 months ago

Jesus im so mad . i can't understand what i do wrong and the follower not login on leader game . I chek it 20-30 times and all look good .

leader Cortana : // If Config.Leader is set, the bot will only accept invites from leader. If Config.PublicMode is not 0, Baal and Diablo script will open Town Portals. Config.PublicMode = 1; // 1 = invite and accept, 2 = accept only, 3 = invite only, 0 = disable

follower Thundera : Config.Leader = "Cortana"; // Leader's ingame character name. Leave blank to try auto-detection (works in AutoBaal, Wakka, MFHelper) Config.QuitList = ["Cortana"]; // List of character names to quit with. Example: Config.QuitList = ["MySorc", "MyDin"]; Config.QuitListMode = 0; // 0 = use character names; 1 = use profile names (all profiles must run on the same computer).

var JoinSettings = { "lead1": ["follow1", "follow2"], "lead2": ["follow3", "follow4"] }; */

var JoinSettings = {

"Cortana": ["Thundera"] the process I do is :

  1. i open first Cortanas client (as a D2 botleader ) and the character start farming normaly
  2. I open second Thunderas client (as a follower) , the character login on the client but stay on sellect games screen . the commad say this : D2BS# Started Console D2BS# Startup Complete! D2BS# Switched to Profile drei D2BS# BotFollow.dbj running. Received Game Info Heartbeat loaded

i was already add on friend list each other character

Thanx for any help or any advice guys !

use the Channel entry if follow entry isn't work, Channel should work just make sure you fill out the stuff in the channel dbj