kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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Rusher script issues #837

Open sunace opened 5 years ago

sunace commented 5 years ago

I have 2 issues with rusher /rushee script

  1. I believe this has been brought up before but still can’t seem to find a fix. Act 2 all rushees that have get quest false do not talk to a npc after doing summoner or amulet quest which results them not being able to take the Harlem level 1 tp to talk to jer to go to a3. Only the rushee that gets quest true will talk to a npc. If I were to turn all rushees get quest true this doesn’t work either because 1 will get the staff and another will get amulet and the same rushee will not end up with all pieces to cube the full staff. Is there any work around for this?

  2. After killing Diablo rusher will say “2” and then right away “a5”. It seems the rusher says this to fast and gets a temporary chat mute is there a way to delay the rusher saying “a5” by 1-2 seconds? For example when going from act 3 to act 4 and after killing meph. The rusher will say 1 “rushee enters portal next to moat/red portal “ then a couple seconds later rusher will say a4. So I’m sure this can be done with going from a4 to a5.

Please would like a response for someone familiar with rusher script to better understand what I’m talking about. TIA.

DarkHorseDre commented 5 years ago

I'm not familiar with it but read the scripts and did a quick search here:

1: https://github.com/kolton/d2bot-with-kolbot/issues/668#issuecomment-419012572

2: RushThread.js is where the rusher actions are performed and where the delay needs to be entered. This is the act 5 sequence from around line 657 (check expansion gametype, then say "a5"): `Attack.kill(243); say("2");

    if (me.gametype > 0) {

add a delay(2000) after "say("2") or before "say("a5") and that will avoid the mute. Length of delay is in milliseconds.

fyi: The delay after mephi seems to be caused by the bot waiting for toons to enter tp. a similar wait for toons to return to town before saying "a5" would solve this.

sunace commented 5 years ago

gfg u da man dre ty

gtoilet commented 5 years ago

after amulet quest questers must talk to drogman to unlock harem I had set it up where amulet quest was done first so while sorc tele to staff the questers had time to talk and unlock harem , also only one quester needs to get quest state all others will leech quest again when they insert staff and retown they wait for tryel tp , questers do not need to be present for duriel kill to go furthur

DarkHorseDre commented 5 years ago

@gtoilet - think you got the wrong thread bro!