kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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bo barb and sorc #839

Open vaskogz opened 5 years ago

vaskogz commented 5 years ago

problem 1: how can i change the script ....i want my bo barb wait every champ to get wp for bo but he bo and wait only the leader

// Battle orders script - Use this for 2+ characters (for example BO barb + sorc) Scripts.BattleOrders = true; Config.BattleOrders.Mode = 0; // 0 = give BO, 1 = get BO Config.BattleOrders.Wait = false; // Idle until the player that received BO leaves. Config.BattleOrders.Getters = ["xxx"] // List of players to wait for before casting Battle Orders (all). All players must be in the same area as the BOer.

i changed this too ......Config.BattleOrders.Getters = ["xxx";"yyyy"] // List of players to wait for before casting Battle Orders but this didnt work bo barb afk in town maybe some one can help me :) problem 2: it is posible to get 2 bot 2 leader in one game as 2 sorc? 1x light 1x cold ...i have 2x computer but tried use channel script but he join only in chanel and not in game ...it is posible to have 2 sorcv leader in one game/ computer ...or if not than with 2 comp but in on game ...? thx

sunace commented 5 years ago


u need a comma between the 2 not a semicolon also make sure on the config for the toons getting the bo Config.BattleOrders.Mode = 1; // 0 = give BO, 1 = get BO

also on the botchannel script make sure both accounts have each other on their /f list and also in botchannel script make sure u changed this section its off by default FriendListQuery: 0, // Seconds between "/f l" retries. 0 = disable

change the 0 to say 5 or 10

vaskogz commented 5 years ago

so if i understand my leader sorc in one computer palying as leader ...and the oder one as channel should i add in f list and change script friendlist from 0 to 1? like this&? FriendListQuery: 1, // Seconds between "/f l" retries. 0 = disable

5noop commented 5 years ago

Just curious, if both char are on the same computer what prevents you to run D2BotFollow as entry script for the 2nd char ?

vaskogz commented 5 years ago

ill now try like u told this channel alredy added 2 sorc ..one is on one comp another is on another....but 2 sorc on same comp is harder couse even if i put for 1 sorc follower for another leader ...we have 1 champ config and this and i have light sorc and cold sorc and ...dont know how to do 2 champ script ...or how to add

mf022 commented 5 years ago

If your toons are using f/l to join games sooner or later, some of the used keys will be muted temporarily/definitively. It's better to use D2BotFollow on the same PC, the gaming info being shared by the manager between leader/joiner profiles. Every character has it's own configuration file, his name being included(case sensitive) in the name of the file, by example - Sorceress.YourCharName.js

for continuously bo, take a look to the modded script by @nag0k, https://github.com/mf022/d2bs/wiki/Misc_options#modded-battleordersjs

vaskogz commented 5 years ago

i know its much better i have no problem with join and party ...i have problem with 2 sorc and 1 sorcchamp config ..i want my cold sorc going kill andy and the other one lightsorc to kill duriel ..how can i config or create another sorc config ...u mean i shoulkd click on clone? :) im new here sry....illl now seearh about this .js

5noop commented 5 years ago

A good start would be to read the doc https://github.com/kolton/d2bot-with-kolbot/wiki/Kolbot-Character-config

vaskogz commented 5 years ago

thx for link ...i thing i start understand this .... so 1 soso is leader other 1 is helper ....and in sosochamp config i can script leader going kill this helper going kill this if i can goood understand ...they can together and solo ....but it is not much place for helper onbly for leader i thing :) or?

vaskogz commented 5 years ago

so if i config my light solrc mf helper ....and my cold sorc mf leader ....dont need change any skills here right? just let one run as helper other as leader :) true??

this is my cold soso Config.AttackSkill[0] = -1; // Preattack skill. Config.AttackSkill[1] = 59; // Primary skill to bosses. Config.AttackSkill[2] = 45; // Primary untimed skill to bosses. Keep at -1 if Config.AttackSkill[1] is untimed skill. Config.AttackSkill[3] = 59; // Primary skill to others. Config.AttackSkill[4] = 45; // Primary untimed skill to others. Keep at -1 if Config.AttackSkill[3] is untimed skill. Config.AttackSkill[5] = 47; // Secondary skill if monster is immune to primary. Config.AttackSkill[6] = 47; // Secondary untimed skill if monster is immune to primary untimed.

vaskogz commented 5 years ago

i thing i need copy this sorceress.js couse this is only options for 2 sorc runing/farming in one place and same config :/ .............

To start botting you need to disable script UserAddon.js, to do it change line 17 to false. Now you can start boss/area scripts Scripts.UserAddon = false;

To run other scripts change them to true, read carefully all notes and follow instructions.

Boss/Area Leader/Leecher Script Settings## As you probaly already noticed some scripts can be done with leader and leecher or even more leechers.

This very useful option gives you many possibilities how to run your bot. For magic finding team (MF) you can use MF Leader/Helper or scripts with leader leecher option like for example Tristram, Travincal. All leechers option you can find in leeching section. To set it up properly your leader runs for example Scripts.Tristram = true; Config.Tristram.PortalLeech = true; // Set to true to open a portal for leechers.

vaskogz commented 5 years ago

thx mf022... It's better to use D2BotFollow on the same PC, the gaming info being shared by the manager between leader/joiner profiles. Every character has it's own configuration file, his name being included(case sensitive) in the name of the file, by example - Sorceress.YourCharName.js

ok i understand if 2 sorc runing follow/leader the gaming info atatck everyhting going shared ...and wehere can i find this shared map..?to change

mf022 commented 5 years ago

you probably misunderstood me in some previous statements.

  1. the manager(+ core) is involved in sharing the game name + game password, for all follower profiles according to the settings in D2BotFollow.

  2. in game playing is other thing, depending only by settings that you have in character configuration files. After all chars entered in the same game is up to you if you are setting for them solo tasks, or team tasks. For team jobs, you set one toon as in-game leader, so it should run the basic scripts, and other chars set as followers/helpers are running specific scripts as MFHelper (you should use local chat active for that), or DiabloHelper, BaalHelper.

check https://github.com/mf022/d2bs/wiki/Multi_botting

vaskogz commented 5 years ago

ok thx ...i checked the link ...the leader (cold soso) doing his runs so clear crypt...mausoleum....and the follower only teleporting around cold soso and becouse he is light sorc he doing just teleport :) ...what now? and thx again

mf022 commented 5 years ago

because he is light sorc he doing just teleport

maybe you should it for casting static. you should try

Config.AttackSkill[0] = 42; // Preattack skill.

and you can set in light soso config

Config.TeleStomp = true; // Use merc to attack bosses if they're immune to attacks, but not to physical damage
vaskogz commented 5 years ago

andif i set light soso config ....what will be with cold soso?

vaskogz commented 5 years ago

it is posible with channel to get a real 2 diferent skills soso as 2 leader in one game? couse this follow is a joke :D rly nothing ...

vaskogz commented 5 years ago

Error in Andariel (attack.js #214) Failed to kill Andariel (attackCount exceeded) 16:47:15 () Error in Duriel (attack.js #214) Failed to kill Duriel (attackCount exceeded) 16:54:48 Error in Andariel (attack.js #214) Failed to kill Andariel (attackCount exceeded) 16:56:04 Error in Summoner (attack.js #339) Attack.clear: 250 not found

5noop commented 5 years ago

You really gotta read carefully the link I gave you, translate it in your own language if needed. Basically you have to copy Sorceress.js and rename it to match the profile or character name of both of your sorc, which means you will end up with two files: "Sorceress.NameOFYourFirstSorc.js" and "Sorceress.NameOfYourSecondSorc.js" that you can edit separately.

mf022 commented 5 years ago

it is posible with channel to get a real 2 diferent skills soso as 2 leader in one game? couse this follow is a joke :D rly nothing ...

team are set supposing to complete the chars each other. but sorceress chars on hell difficulty can be a pain to get them working on the same areas.

For your light/cold sorceress you can set different scripts, everyone playing on its own. Consider their scripts according to what immunes are in those areas. Depending on the duration of the scripts, you should set differently the visit on the bo barb wp.

chestmania, can be other option to be set different.

vaskogz commented 5 years ago

ok thx 5noop i miss something ...i thing ...he follow again :) and dont attacking but i have 1 orig and 1x copi of sorcerer char config ...the copy changed name coldsoso ...what should i do now?

var CustomConfig = { /* Format: "Sorceress.light.js": ["gyuuurka"] "Sorceress.cold.js": ["gyuri"] Multiple entries are separated by commas

vaskogz commented 5 years ago

"Config_Filename_Without_Extension": ["array", "of", "profiles"]

in this----- "array", "of", "profiles"----- should i write bot profile name or d2 account or charname?

vaskogz commented 5 years ago

2 sorc afk in town ...and message ....

Sorceress.light.js not found ...loading default config Sorceress.cold.js not found ...loading default config

vaskogz commented 5 years ago

can anyone help?

vaskogz commented 5 years ago

OK WORKS I DID it problem was i just renamed files at sorcerers but wasnt .js now runing 2 soec diferent ways and differnet skills thx 5noop :)