Closed hasankoroglu closed 4 years ago
Hey @hasankoroglu,
This is possible, I usually add a handler for a local serve mode to replace prod with dev versions for debug purposes. Something this way:
// webpack.config.js
// ...
config.devServer.before = (app, ...args) => {
const webpartsHandler = (req, res, next) => {
if (req.url.indexOf('.html') === -1) {
return next();
const wpPath = join(contentBase, req.url.split('?')[0]);
const wbHtml = fs.readFileSync(wpPath, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
const replacers = [
['/react.production.min.js', '/react.development.js'],
['/react-dom.production.min.js', '/react-dom.development.js'],
const wpBody = replacers.reduce((res, rpl) => res.replace(rpl[0], rpl[1]), wbHtml);
app.get(`/webparts/*`, webpartsHandler);
initialBefore(app, ...args);
// ...
This code is taken out of a random project to transfer the idea. It could contain errors as a result of trimming out project-dependent lines.
Thanks Andrew for the quick answer. I'm not good at with webpack and js as you :) can you send a code sample, how to use this config.
Well, the full version of webpack.config.js
const fs = require('fs');
const { join } = require('path');
const { DefinePlugin } = require('webpack');
const configs = require('sp-build-tasks/dist/webpack/config/v2');
const defineOptions = Object.assign(
// Options from ./config/app.json are passed to Define plugin
APP_CONFIG: JSON.stringify(
require(join(process.cwd(), process.env.APP_JSON || './config/app.json'))
// All environment variables which start with "SPPP_" are passed to Define plugin
Object.keys(process.env).filter(key => key.indexOf('SPPP_') === 0).reduce((res, key) => {
res[key] = JSON.stringify(process.env[key]);
return res;
}, {})
configs.forEach(config => {
delete config.output.publicPath; // use dynamic __webpack_public_path__
// Define plugin
config.plugins = config.plugins || [];
config.plugins.push(new DefinePlugin(defineOptions));
// Exclude "heavy" 3rd parties
config.externals = Object.assign(config.externals || {}, {
'react': 'React',
'react-dom': 'ReactDOM',
'@fluentui/react': 'FluentUIReact'
// Register custom workbench transformation
const initialBefore = config.devServer.before;
const contentBase = config.devServer.contentBase || join(process.cwd(), './dist');
config.devServer.before = (app, ...args) => {
const webpartsHandler = (req, res, next) => {
if (req.url.indexOf('.html') === -1) {
return next();
const wpPath = join(contentBase, req.url.split('?')[0]);
const wbHtml = fs.readFileSync(wpPath, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
const replacers = [
['/react.production.min.js', '/react.development.js'],
['/react-dom.production.min.js', '/react-dom.development.js'],
const wpBody = replacers.reduce((res, rpl) => res.replace(rpl[0], rpl[1]), wbHtml);
app.get(`/webparts/*`, webpartsHandler);
initialBefore(app, ...args);
module.exports = configs;
While cewp
contains react.production.min.js
and react-dom.production.min.js
<!-- {{ publishPath }}/webparts/{{ fileName }} -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{{ publishPath }}/styles/app.css?v={{ assetsVersion }}">
<!--[if IE]>-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ publishPath }}/scripts/polyfills.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ publishPath }}/libs/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ publishPath }}/libs/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ publishPath }}/libs/fluentui-react.min.js"></script>
<h2>SPFlow Grid Sample</h2>
<div id='spflow-grid-container'></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ publishPath }}/scripts/app.js?v={{ assetsVersion }}"></script>
During the serve with npm run start
these are replaced with development
I will think out, maybe I can do it a bit simpler in HBS compiler task. But currently, that's the way I did it. Also, you can have a separate .cewp.hbs
for debug and for prod as well.
You are best of the best Andrew, very very thanks.
Is there a way to work with react development environment. am i have to change the script tag as react.development.js