koltyakov / gosip

⚡️ SharePoint SDK for Go
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403 when uploading file with special char #75

Open phhoef opened 6 months ago

phhoef commented 6 months ago

When uploading a file with special chars as name, I see a 403 error "Access denied". As I can upload files with a different name, I assume it's not actually a permission problem.

I add the file with the following code

    name := encName(input.Name) + ext
    resp, err := input.Parent.Files().AddChunked(name,
            Overwrite: input.Overwrite,

The input.Name is a.b/c;6 I try to encode the name to remove the special chars. I did something similar with pnpjs and the following logic worked for nodejs

func encName(s string) string {
    replacements := map[string]string{
        `"`: `%22`,
        `*`: `%2A`,
        `:`: `%3A`,
        `<`: `%3C`,
        `>`: `%3E`,
        `?`: `%3F`,
        `/`: `%2F`,
        `\`: `%5C`,
        `|`: `%7C`,

    for k, v := range replacements {
        s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, k, v)
    return s

Is it possible, that the % is not properly encoded when making the call and some weird url is made?

When using the following replacements, it is working fine

    replacements := map[string]string{
        `"`: `_22_`,
        `*`: `_2A_`,
        `:`: `_3A_`,
        `<`: `_3C_`,
        `>`: `_3E_`,
        `?`: `_3F_`,
        `/`: `_2F_`,
        `\`: `_5C_`,
        `|`: `_7C_`,