komashchenko / PTaH

Additional CS:GO Hooks and Natives
GNU General Public License v3.0
78 stars 42 forks source link

'CEconItemDefinition.GetDefinitionName()' crashing the server upon use. #45

Closed Natanel-Shitrit closed 3 years ago

Natanel-Shitrit commented 3 years ago

Crash Report

Raw Crash: (relevant part) ``` SIGSEGV /SEGV_MAPERR accessing 0x1 Thread 0 (crashed): 0: libc-2.17.so!__strlen_sse2_bsf + 0x16 eip: 0xf7563b56 esp: 0xfff644a4 ebp: 0xfff644d8 ebx: 0x00005674 esi: 0x10cb8da0 edi: 0x00000001 eax: 0x00000000 ecx: 0x00000001 edx: 0xfff64504 efl: 0x00010287 f7563b48 89 f9 mov ecx, edi f7563b4a 83 e1 3f and ecx, 0x3f f7563b4d 66 0f ef c0 pxor xmm0, xmm0 f7563b51 83 f9 30 cmp ecx, 0x30 f7563b54 77 17 ja 0xf7563b6d > f7563b56 f3 0f 6f 0f movdqu xmm1, [edi] f7563b5a 66 0f 74 c1 pcmpeqb xmm0, xmm1 f7563b5e 66 0f d7 d0 pmovmskb edx, xmm0 f7563b62 85 d2 test edx, edx f7563b64 75 73 jnz 0xf7563bd9 f7563b66 89 f8 mov eax, edi fff644a4 40 00 00 00 a0 8d cb 10 4e 79 b6 ec @.......Ny.. Found via instruction pointer in context 1: sourcepawn.jit.x86.so!sp::PluginContext::StringToLocalUTF8(int, unsigned int, char const*, unsigned int*) + 0x5e eip: 0xecb6794e esp: 0xfff644b0 ebp: 0xfff644d8 ebx: 0x00005674 esi: 0x10cb8da0 edi: 0x00000040 fff644b0 01 00 00 00 41 39 62 f7 17 20 aa 73 85 c2 bc eb ....A9b.. .s.... fff644c0 ea fa 7a e8 70 bd 8a 0d 28 00 00 00 a0 8d cb 10 ..z.p...(....... fff644d0 cc 71 d2 11 f4 1f 81 e8 38 d3 1a 0b 72 0d 69 e8 .q......8...r.i. Found via call frame info 2: PTaH.ext.2.csgo.so!CEconItemDefinition_GetDefinitionName(SourcePawn::IPluginContext*, int const*) [ natives.cpp:573 + 0xc ] eip: 0xe8690d72 esp: 0xfff644e0 ebp: 0x0b1ad338 fff644e0 a0 8d cb 10 74 56 00 00 40 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 ....tV..@....... fff644f0 04 45 f6 ff ea fa 7a e8 94 22 81 e8 04 0d 69 e8 .E....z.."....i. Found via previous frame's frame pointer 3: PTaH.ext.2.csgo.so!CEconItemDefinition_GetDefinitionName(SourcePawn::IPluginContext*, int const*) [ natives.cpp:563 + 0x14 ] eip: 0xe8690d04 esp: 0xfff64500 ebp: 0x0b1ad338 fff64500 f4 1f 81 e8 00 00 00 00 50 4e c0 eb 68 1b d2 11 ........PN..h... fff64510 64 56 00 00 28 72 d2 11 48 45 f6 ff 0a a4 51 df dV..(r..HE....Q. Found via stack scanning 4: jit_code_3746562048_1048576 + 0x1a40a [ VoiceHook.smx::Command_Weapon ] eip: 0xdf51a40a esp: 0xfff64520 ebp: 0xfff64548 fff64520 a0 8d cb 10 cc 71 d2 11 6c 0b 00 00 74 56 00 00 .....q..l...tV.. fff64530 68 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 48 45 f6 ff 0a a4 51 df h.......HE....Q. fff64540 b8 0e 00 00 02 00 00 00 68 45 f6 ff 6f 10 8b eb ........hE..o... Found via stack scanning ```
Plugin: ```sourcepawn #include #include #include ```
sm: ``` SourceMod, by AlliedModders LLC To see running plugins, type "sm plugins" To see credits, type "sm credits" Visit http://www.sourcemod.net/ ```
meta version: ``` Metamod:Source Version Information Metamod:Source version 1.11.0-dev+1126 Plugin interface version: 16:14 SourceHook version: 5:5 Loaded As: Valve Server Plugin Compiled on: Mar 28 2019 17:00:48 Built from: https://github.com/alliedmodders/metamod-source/commit/7337d41 Build ID: 1126:7337d41 http://www.metamodsource.net/ ```

If anything else is needed just @ me :)

komashchenko commented 3 years ago

@Natanel-Shitrit have you updated GameData? https://github.com/komashchenko/PTaH/commit/fa943881e6a792bf5fe7f27d75397431346e20f2

Natanel-Shitrit commented 3 years ago

I think i have the updated one i will re-check now.

Natanel-Shitrit commented 3 years ago

yep it was the gamedata, sorry.