kombai / freewall

Freewall is a cross-browser and responsive jQuery plugin to help you create grid, image and masonry layouts for desktop, mobile, and tablet...
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Using Freewall with Media Queries/Breakpoints #237

Open digilocker opened 7 years ago

digilocker commented 7 years ago

Hi, been looking for something like Freewall to populate an icon based layout for a responsive games lobby. I have the layout as needed based upon a container width of 1600px, but the behavior is that at low widths (ie mobile) it will just display 1 column. Ideally would be looking for 3 so was wondering if there was anyway of altering the cellwidths/columns dynamically using media queries/css? I'm using a cell size of 320x190 and would prefer for them still to scale to fit, whilst having control over the columns? Is this possible? I've tried a few options but can't get the effect Im looking for at both narrow and wide, any ideas on how best to deal with that? https://casino.mrgreen.com/en-GB/casino is an example of how I was looking to lay this out.

Thanks in advance!