Also being a programmer myself, I have tried to find and fix the issue, but without success so far. I have also tried experimenting with the fixSize setting, but with no success again (fixSize=1 breaks the whole layout, fixSize = 0 makes the square pictures disapear, fixSize=null is the default behavior which creates huge cells for square pictures).
First many many thanks for this great piece of script. It is tremendous !
I am using freewall.js for displaying picture galleries. But whenever an image is perfectly square, thus is no larger than higher, freewall seems to fail resizing it and creates a huge cell. See examples here : and here :
Also being a programmer myself, I have tried to find and fix the issue, but without success so far. I have also tried experimenting with the fixSize setting, but with no success again (fixSize=1 breaks the whole layout, fixSize = 0 makes the square pictures disapear, fixSize=null is the default behavior which creates huge cells for square pictures).