kometbomb / klystrack

A chiptune tracker
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Crash playing with delay values #186

Open n00bstar opened 9 years ago

n00bstar commented 9 years ago

I"m not quite sure what happens here, and I while I can reproduce this fairly easily, I'm not certain of the actual steps or what the cause is.

Basicaly open the effect section, and play around with delay times. Click with the left mouse button to add to the delay time, and tap shift a few times, and hit the right mouse button too. Fuck around with it like that and it will crash at some point.

My guess is that there's some combination of fucking around that eventually puts the delay time at an illegal value and then klystrack poops in its own mouth and it doesn't like the taste so it goes "man that was a bad idea, now everything tastes like poop"

kometbomb commented 9 years ago

Might be that it rounds the delay time to the next tick which is outside the delay buffer. (Of poop)